Two types of pivot
The more i watch the discussion between Brian and Peter, the more i am convinced that they are discussing completely different style of pivot.
Brian describes his "pivot powered, hand controlled pivot". Really a "pivot powered, hand-sensation controlled pivot" This, to MY understanding at least, means that the pivot moves the power package but the manner of its movement is dictated by the sensations felt in the hands. The key is that the hands are moved by the pivot.
Peter describes a pivot in which the "movement" of the hands/arms/ power package dictate the pivot movement( pivot movement secondary to power package movement) as opposed to Brian where the "sensations" in the hands dictate pivot movement.
During Brian's demonstration of the Pivot he states that (approx quote) " the pivot only pivots until around the finish swivel, after that the club pulls the pivot" ie. the pivot is secondary to club motion during follow through to finish. Brian shows this when he is on the swivel discs when he demonstrates that a finish swivel creates a big change in pivot motion.
This is ok to understand at this phase of the swing motion but Peter Croker's pivot seems to state that this hand / arm motion moves the pivot THROUGHOUT the swing.
A pivot responsive to hand motion rather than hand sensation.
Any thoughts...?