The wedding ring would be on your right hand and would point to the sky at Follow Through (just after impact- Follow Through ends at both arms straight)...I guess if the ring was on your left hand it would be "wedding ring down."
It is a great long as you don't rush (from the top) to get that wedding ring up and cast with the right hand and lose all your lag.
You're interested in hitting a fade with a full turn/roll of the clubface right? i.e. neutral/weakish grip, open clubface about as much as you can on the backswing- while still being on AT LEAST the elbow plane...nothing under it...roll it closed on the downswing...
That's the way I like to do it too. Never ever miss left...never. So long as the grip is neutral or weak...nothing stronger (actually- I use a slightly stronger grip for short irons to aide in having a more descending blow, hitting a crisper shot, and having a lower trajectory)...and the ball is not past my left shoulder.
I use single ball the left heel.