wedding ring up

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I would like for this site to focus exclusively on this little holy grail for about a month. Nothing else. Just tell me about your experience with wedding ring up.............Stay here awhile, this one little gem can wipe out bad mechanics in its wake.


quote:Originally posted by diggerdog

I would like for this site to focus exclusively on this little holy grail for about a month. Nothing else. Just tell me about your experience with wedding ring up.............Stay here awhile, this one little gem can wipe out bad mechanics in its wake.

up when and where?...seriously, i'm not familar with what "wedding ring up" means for a golf swing...


Does this mean you point your ring finger to the sky at the finish? I am curious about this "gem".

The wedding ring would be on your right hand and would point to the sky at Follow Through (just after impact- Follow Through ends at both arms straight)...I guess if the ring was on your left hand it would be "wedding ring down."

It is a great long as you don't rush (from the top) to get that wedding ring up and cast with the right hand and lose all your lag.

You're interested in hitting a fade with a full turn/roll of the clubface right? i.e. neutral/weakish grip, open clubface about as much as you can on the backswing- while still being on AT LEAST the elbow plane...nothing under it...roll it closed on the downswing...

That's the way I like to do it too. Never ever miss left...never. So long as the grip is neutral or weak...nothing stronger (actually- I use a slightly stronger grip for short irons to aide in having a more descending blow, hitting a crisper shot, and having a lower trajectory)...and the ball is not past my left shoulder.

I use single ball the left heel.

Guys, you are reading WAY too much into this.

My wife actually simplified it for me.

"Wedding ring up" means if I spend anymore time on golf than I do she is going to to give her wedding ring up. Then I will be left with my left hand (or as Brian said the right hand may work too).

There you go....back to practice. :D

I'm totally lost on this.

-"wedding ring" is "on left hand."
-you need to go "wedding ring up" what point in the swing now?
But if the ring is on the left hand ring finger, that would be wedding ring don't wear a ring on the top of your ring finger (top of finger- that's the only way it would be "up" past impact in this case, unless you reverse rolled).


Go to Brain's "Never Slice Again" article and look at photo #8.

BTW, how do you go about inserting an image?



quote:Originally posted by rbaumgolf

wedding ring up would be the same as watch face pointing down (on left hand) after impact and follow through

What if the watchface was on the vains... would it still point down... :D


Brian Manzella

It's pretty simple.

If you rotate the LEFT WRIST and arm...AS FAR AS YOU CAN...and the left wrist id still flat or a little arched, by the time the BUTT end of the club flips upside down, and just after it points to the ball, you could see a ring on your left hand ring finger.

If you don't do ALL of the can't.
A flat left wrist at the end of the swing will have the ring facing the clouds- check it out. If the left wrist is bent at the end the end- it will face sideways. Is this it? Ring up to produce a flat left wrist at the end.
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