What do you do for stretches?

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Anybody use the Roger Fredericks dvds? I am trying to get a stretching program going and this seems to be one of the only dvds out there.
I like swinging the orange whip swing trainer (it's heavy with a whippy shaft) and doing a bunch of hamstring stretches. I've had heavy clubs for stretching, but I like the flex.

I think core body temperature is key to "warming" up for me. I like to exercise a little before I play any early rounds. Not much, just enough to get my heart pumping a bit.


Anybody use the Roger Fredericks dvds? I am trying to get a stretching program going and this seems to be one of the only dvds out there.

I have been on the Fredricks program for about 2 years and its working just great. My only advice is to ignore the "Golf Swing" Tips that are included as a bonus DVD. He should stick to the stretching portion which he does well.

The Titielist Performace Institute has many stretching exercises, that you can get as a link from pgatour.com, but Frederick has everything right there for you.

DVD is a little corny but ignore and get the point and that a stretching program
Anybody use the Roger Fredericks dvds? I am trying to get a stretching program going and this seems to be one of the only dvds out there.

I played baseball in school and even "back in the day" we did something very similar to what Mark Verstegen does in his books. Its a good program and it will get you gumby like if you stick to it.
All I know is that I practiced far too long and too hard. I have major soreness in all of my pulling/ rotational muscles, abs are toast, lats ache, pecs ache, deltoids hurt, sore left QL, sore left oblique ouchie, my triceps are spent, my tush is sore, my legs are toast,and I strained my right forearm.

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All I know is that I practiced for too hard and for too long. I have major soreness in all of my pulling/ rotational muscles, abs are toast, lats ache, pecs ache, deltoids hurt, sore left QL, sore left oblique ouchie, my triceps are spent, my tush is sore, my legs are toast,and I strained my right forearm.


Brian Kest's Power Yoga. Strength and flexibility from head to toe in about 50 min. Do it 3 to 4 times a week. You can pick it up on Amazon for a song. I've been doing it for years. No injuries, great core strength. Strong lower back. Works for me.


I'm an on again off again user of the Fredrick's DVD. I only ever use the flexibility DVD - the other DVDs aren't that great in my opinion. I have bad shoulders that sometimes hurt when you put them in certain positions. The first few stretches in the "White Tee" program really go after your shoulders/rotator cuffs - if I do these stretches for a couple of days, the pain in my shoulders seems to disappear, so the purchase was worth it to me. Also, there are several good stretches for the hamstrings. The DVD comes with a cheat sheet of the exercises - once you learn how to do them, you don't even need to watch the DVD any longer - makes the session shorter, since you don't have to listen to explanations about how to perform the stretch. I'm sure everyone is different, but the rest of the stretches don't do a lot for me - I've always been relatively flexible and age (38) hasn't fully caught up to me yet, even though it is gaining every year :eek:

I also have some Mark Versteghen (Core Performance) DVDs - sometimes I will do this one just to mix it up a little. To be honest I haven't made it too far in to the program to give it a fair review.
I get out of my car, eat a hot dog, place my ball on the first tee, and always.... always..... stripe one right down the middle, 265 yards. Not my longest, not my BEST drive of the day... But always, right down the middle.

I dont like stretching.... seriously.

although, I am rather flexable, for a guy my size...
why is it that everybody can touch their hands when you have one of your arm stretching to the back from top and the other on bottom where they meet in the back, i just can't do it!!
why is it that everybody can touch their hands when you have one of your arm stretching to the back from top and the other on bottom where they meet in the back, i just can't do it!!

It measures your shoulder ROM. Specifically external rotation/abduction and internal rotation/adduction. The important point would be that you can do this move relatively painless and that both sides would be similar. So even if you can't touch how much of a difference is there with between left and right?
It measures your shoulder ROM. Specifically external rotation/abduction and internal rotation/adduction. The important point would be that you can do this move relatively painless and that both sides would be similar. So even if you can't touch how much of a difference is there with between left and right?

In Baseball we did a similar test...We held are right arm out at a 90..think making a left hand turn when riding a motorcycle. Then we had to externally rotate it backwards. I always had good external/internal ROM in the right, played in the infield, but not in the left, and haven't worked on it since High School...How important is this in the Golf swing?? Im right handed so...I "throw" with my RH.
I can do it, but I try to stay flexible. Many of my golfing buddies probably couldn't do it but that's why I normally out drive them, even when they have 40 pounds on me.
I can't come close to touching my hands in the middle of my back, what are some good shoulder stretches to increase my ROM?


I can't come close to touching my hands in the middle of my back, what are some good shoulder stretches to increase my ROM?

I think you can increase your ROM gradually, but I think your flexability is what genetics you were born with. I can't come even close to touching the middle of my back and I have been using the Fredericks program for 2 years, and by the way that DVD has at least a half dozen stretches for shoulders in it, also as I previously recommended check out Titielst performance institute.

My last thought is build a swing pattern around your given range of motion.
I think you can increase your ROM gradually, but I think your flexability is what genetics you were born with. I can't come even close to touching the middle of my back and I have been using the Fredericks program for 2 years, and by the way that DVD has at least a half dozen stretches for shoulders in it, also as I previously recommended check out Titielst performance institute.

My last thought is build a swing pattern around your given range of motion.

I have been searching tpi for some good shoulder stretches, they seem to have lots of stability exercises but I am not finding much for stretching the shoulder muscles....I am still looking through the site though.
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