What does the new release mean for the underplaner?

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Why is it that on this 5 iron punch shot with no turn, I hit it only 5-10 yards less than a full swing. By releasing the hands properly now.


Why is it that on this 5 iron punch shot with no turn, I hit it only 5-10 yards less than a full swing. By releasing the hands properly now.

No, its because you are not wasting momentum at the start of an elongated down swing. The shorter swing allows you to apply the force where intended - through the impact zone; not before you get there.


When I slow down the video, my hands reach their low point at the right thigh just like MJ & BManz is saying. Then I just totally release the right wrist and it is a solid strike in the middle of the clubface everytime. I think when I play tommorrow, Driver-PW will all be this little modified backswing. I may not hit it as far but it will go straight.

Could my wide stance in my full swing be assisting in the elongated downswing?
It means you won't be underplane anymore.

Underplane is caused by taking the hands toward the target and the club reverse tumbling under.

I just don't see how this is accurate when I relate it to my own swing. My hands get too deep in the backswing and their first move is down behind me and the club shaft steepens vertically, I certainly never see them move out (I call it on plane).
I just don't see how this is accurate when I relate it to my own swing. My hands get too deep in the backswing and their first move is down behind me and the club shaft steepens vertically, I certainly never see them move out (I call it on plane).

What happens after they move down and the shaft steepens?

Kevin Shields

Super Moderator
I just don't see how this is accurate when I relate it to my own swing. My hands get too deep in the backswing and their first move is down behind me and the club shaft steepens vertically, I certainly never see them move out (I call it on plane).

Dont you assist your hands in getting down by tilting?
EVERY golf swing has a HAND PATH that is outward from the top.

EVERY golf swing has a CLUBHEAD PATH that is outward from the top.

The trick is finding the right ones for you.

Got it?

Got it. That's what I was trying to get at. If his hands were deep and move down with a steep shaft at transition it seems like they would HAVE to move out to to hit the ball.
After thinking on it some more I would think this new move from the top is going to be most difficult for the early turning handle dragger (me).
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What do u guys think about my new release? I am starting to release as soon as I start the DS.

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