Talent...You've either got it, or you don't.
What is Talent?
It is the ability to do something very well, without a whole lot of work, practice or effort.
There are folks that have talent in some area, and others that don't.
I had a lot of musical talent, especially on the drums. I was able to "play along" with a record, on a $35 set of drums, without much practice or any lessons, by the age of 4.
In the 27 years I have taught golf, I've seen talented players, learners, ball-strikers, and teachers.
And, I've seen a whole lot of less talented people as well.
Connor Finney, Michael's nephew, could strike the ball consistently on the face, and get in airborne with ease, at the age of four.
I saw Michael as a 5-foot two, 102 lb. golfer, hit persimmon drivers and rubber band balls, 270 yards. Don't say it was the lessons he got from Jimmy Self, Mr. Jimmy taught a powerless pattern. Mike just had the NATURAL ABILITY, the talent to hit the ball a long way.
I have given lessons to golfers, like one this past week in Ann Arbor, who just could do whatever I told them, within a couple of balls.
That's talent.
Jim Kobylinski understood ball flight and cause and effect very early on, and was a natural talent as a teacher.
You can overcome not having talent. Hard work, want to, belief in yourself, among other things, can beat the talented players and teachers in the long run.
Anyone who thinks talent doesn't exist, has obviously never had it, or witnessed it.