xplosivegolf said:'The "mystery" of the mechanics of golf fades away when right arm participation is understood'
The right elbow / forearm controls the 3 dimensional downstroke
Homer labeled this the "magic of the right forearm" becuase he this was a major key
On Plane Right forearm feels as though it is down under the stomach
xplosivegolf said:Forearm Under the stomach at release point (page 116) 8-9
The right forearm of struggling golfers comes in way to high --- usually their right forarm and right elbow are above their stomach
My good man Run-rundmc said:Tick Tick Boooooom. Good image! I like this! This also gives a good correlation of the waist bend and the resulting position of the right forearm during the release/impact interval. If you "come out of it" then your right forearm will also be too high. But if you stay in your waist bend, you can keep your right forearm DOWN and as an added benefit get it deeper into Pitch as well.
Nice post!
Mike O said:My good man Run-
Pitch Position of the elbow isn't an "added benefit"- unless you're obsessed with that!
Also, you start releasing anywhere from the top to the last moment- Diane (8-9) is just showing one example of a "trillion" patterns that are available - that all work great. So the right elbow doesn't need to be under your stomach when you start your release. Now, at impact- might be a good image.
xplosivegolf said:Feel for punch would be the same --- elbow would be down and at the side -- forearm still on plane
By the way, Pitch basic stroke has major advantages (granted their are many ways to do it and the golfing machine provides a catalog for golfers) but in a swinging motion a snap release with a small pulley encounter is far superior
Snap Release = Small Pulley
Sweep Release = Long Pulley
This is where the endless belt effect can be seen
xplosivegolf said:Feel for punch would be the same --- elbow would be down and at the side -- forearm still on plane
By the way, Pitch basic stroke has major advantages (granted their are many ways to do it and the golfing machine provides a catalog for golfers) but in a swinging motion a snap release with a small pulley encounter is far superior
Snap Release = Small Pulley
Sweep Release = Long Pulley
This is where the endless belt effect can be seen
jim_0068 said:I agree, i use pitch elbow with snap release and as close to a MTD as possible. This allows me extreme speed with minimal effort and big distance.
30yrlayoff said:hitters or swingers can use? I am working on using that and having good results. I don't know if I am a hitter or swinger but I think I am a hitter....due to the fact that I am thrusting my right arm vs. only using CF.
If so, would it be wrong to try and use pitch right elbow?
jim_0068 said:Hitters can use a pitch elbow but i'd never teach someone to do it. It's much easier to use a punch.