How about practice or play almost everyday. I know plenty of people that PLAY everyday but STINK. They do the same stinking thing day in and day out. Time for an Einstein quote...
Depends on the player. Some folks are the exact opposite, with practice coming in a distant second to playing when it comes to improvement.
I agree, sort of. I think the players that need to "play" more, instead of practice more, really just need to practice performing more, if that makes sense. Meaning, being on the course, and playing for a score...learning to focus on one shot at a time, and learning how to just focus intensely period. I would still classify it as Deliberate Practice, just on the course.![]()
Maybe says something about those players' practice habits. Could be that they need to "play 18" on the practice range in order to make their practice time more productive.
Now your talking. Before I play, I try to play every hole in my head before I go play, on the range, I even hit putts on the tee. I know the course I play at very well so if I miss a shot, I usually penalize myself accordingly. After I "play" my round on the practice tee, I have a pretty good idea of what I have that day and usually that gives me an idea of what to might happen when Im on the course. Here is one thing I do after I do my "mock" round on the tee. I hit the shots that I miss again. I hit them until I hit the exact shot that I want to hit on the course and then I move on the the next shot I "missed". I really try to paint a very clear and positive picture in my head of every shot I hit. Then, when I go out to the course, I just hit it. Of course it doesn't happen all of the time, but it has worked wonders for my game and scores. I have a million of these little nuggets in my head. The more creative you can get in your practice and the more intense you can get, the better you will get.
How long does this take to perform mentally, also does this relax your mind and allow for better focus on the course? I really like this concept, see it, then do it, allow the body to perform, nice!![]()
This takes me about 40-45 minutes. Not only is it a "mental" excersise..I literally hit the shots. Where I hit balls, on the far end of the range there is a little bowl, so during my mock session, if I block my drive a little and miss my spot on the "3rd hole", I have a pretty severe lie below my feet, so I put the ball on the left side of the bowl with the ball below my feet and hit my 9iron, on that "hole". When I say I play the round I really play the round, not only in my head, but also physically. I don't really want my mind to relax when I have to hit a shot, INTENSE FOCUS, is what Im after. I don't believe in running on autopilot, and letting my mind relax on the course when hitting a shot. After I hit the shot, then I can relax mentally, but during my routine, I'm in "the zone" as they say. Basically, Im practicing on the practice range just how I want to play on the course. I think alot of people do this same kind of thing, its not revolutionary or anything. I know Tiger does it, Ive seen him go through his "round" before his actual round and after the actual round, all on the practice tee. When working on your swing while practicing, thats where most people mess up I think. I've had a couple of lessons in golf and during those lessons I've recieved most of the information I need. I break up my practice into specific things. I actually write down what I'm going to work on BEFORE I go to the course. What I write is VERY specific, like..if I'm working on my grip I would write. " Make sure you feel the squeeze in the left hand of the left pinky, and that the right hand is underneath enough. Also make sure that the lines of the forefinger and thumb match in both hands". I actually practice that with intense focus, meaning Im only focusing on that aspect of my swing...then I move on to the next segment. As I've said before, I believe understanding HOW to practice properly is the most important thing you can do for your game and life. You can apply these concepts to anything in life. Hope this helps. If you want anymore info you may PM me and I can give you some help on where to find the info. on Deliberate Practice.
I didn't mean that your on auto pilot, i meant that practicing this way gives more positive feed back,which if it's working for you should give one more confidence. There in lies -the more relaxed state of mind = less worry, if that makes sense to you.
I know that you need to know the proper mechanics and try to practice them with intense conscious thought and effort. It's called learning a skill. When you can perform it without thinking how to do it then it's a habit, then you own it.
I have played many sports and iv'e done the same method as you. Narrow the focus, learn the skill, hopefully it becomes a habit. Like Yogi Berra said how can you hit and think at the same time![]()
Yeah..Yogi had alot of goofy comments and there is another one, although for baseball players maybe it works. I understand what you are saying I just don't agree and thats cool, its one of the things that makes the world go 'round. peace.
What do you do if at the beginning of the round you hit it great, and then it starts to go south on you half way through? Just keep swinging away without any thought? Rely on Yogiisms?? Keys to consistency for me??? Perfect practice, lots of knowledge and "experience" in your profession/area of expertise, and an unquenchable thrist for improving in one's area of expertise. You never stop learning and you are always trying to perfect the art of Deliberate Practice.