Jim Kobylinski
Super Moderator
How firm? How much break?
How many athletic pursuits(throwing a ball/tennis shots/a quarterback throwing a pass) do you know involve the suggestion that you go a little past the target?
My suggestion is to find the tempo that YOU feel most comfortable with and then TRY to putt balls such that there is a certain 'delivery' speed AT the hole. That is you want a delivery speed that maximises your chances of making the putt IF it hits ANY part of the hole AND doesn't go too far past such that your comebackers are too testy for you!
Trust your instincts guys! How many times have you reached for a doorknob and missed short?
That's for the golfer to decide, the main thing i see in bad putters is they don't hit the ball nearly fast enough and they usually over estimate the break. This comes from both students and just playing golf.
They seem to be so worried about making it they don't hit it hard enough to even give it a chance. Even happens on the tour sometimes and better players as well, none of us are immune to it.