Who is the worst teacher of all time ?

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My vote would probably be leadbetter but after much consideration, hes terrible but not the worst...

My Number one has to go to Jack Kuykendall, number one moron in golf. Developer of the original natural golf and now trying to flog more clubs in his LPG system.

Heres how he wants you to take it to the top and no it isn't a joke or an 'heres what amateurs do wrong' picture.


Its amazing how the magic of his instruction doesn't rub onto you unless you buy his own kuykendall patented clubs. Its amazing how he shows you to swing like flubber and how you will suddenly hit it like Woods as soon as you give him money.

His site is funny though, as he slings alot of @£%# at NG.... but for golf...........................[xx(]


It's funny i was just sitting here thinking why so & so instructor is considered bad or good.
Leadbetter gets tons of criticism on this site and i dont see why.
now i have never read any of his book or seen any of his teaching vids, but if he is so bad why does he have a stable of some of the best golfers in the world??
Personally from what i have seen of Butch harmon, i dont like him, but that doesnt mean he is a bad instructor.
A bad instructor to you is not a bad instructor to him, or maybe to me. If ANY one can communicate the golf swing such that you understand it better, and can improve, then he isnt bad to you.
As far as J.K., his personality is VERY abrasive, but maybe if you go through what he has gone through your would be too. If he can get SOME people improving and striking the ball better, then he isnt bad to them. His postion at the top with a bent lead arm certainly isnt pretty (to me)but if he can have correct path to face relationship to have good impact..who cares????
Even the worst nationally known teachers have improved some games.
My finalist
David Lee
Dalton McCreary
Redman (Azinger guy)
Mouthes move but nothing comes out.
Some good ideas but some not:
It is Sunday mourning so I'll stop.
The sad thing is so many of us wasted alot of time on this guys
One more candidate: Jack Nicklaus


When Gary Player plays a golf course that he doesn't care for, and someone (probably a member at that club) asks him for his opinion of the place, he will say "It's the finest of its kind." What I am trying to say is, it is very easy to be critical of someone, isn't it? As long as the instructor is making an honest effort to give the student what he or she, as an instructor, feels is best for that person, let's just say, if we disagree with them, that "He (or She) is the finest of their kind." I am just like everyone else thinking about this thread, in that I have my likes and dislikes as well. It is my belief that D McCreary is a snake oil salesman, along with Bob Mann; so, I'll just say those two are "the finest of their kind!"


quote:When Gary Player plays a golf course that he doesn't care for, and someone (probably a member at that club) asks him for his opinion of the place, he will say "It's the finest of its kind." What I am trying to say is, it is very easy to be critical of someone, isn't it?

No it is simple, is a teacher good or bad?

Good Teacher = teaches good things
Bad Teachers = teaches moronic mismash of things

Now we have to find their job title - GOLF 'PROFESSIONAL'

Note that there is a word saying professional there. Now the word professional conjures 'in my mind' someone who has spent time to learn and be good at something proficent enough to be able to teach at a very high standard so that their opinions may be respected.

Basically what your saying is if their intentions are right - who cares !!

Well let me give you an example, if you bought a computer at you local retailer and you come in and you unpack your computer and plug it in the wall and then no dice, it doesn't work, you would expect them to have the expertise to put it right. Now what if your insurance was - well their heart was in the right place and they don't fix it.

Now with that in mind - you do not have the right to turn round and say they were incompetant and warn people? Would you not have the right to laugh at them and how crap they make systems?
Golf Professional by definition is one who is paid to work in the golf and related industries (Tour Pro, Shop Pro, Golf Teacher, etc.).

To assume anything more less by the title is the fault of the person assuming.

Often times what makes one golf instructor good in one golfer's mind can be what makes him poor in another.

That is why I am still trying to find value in any of these top 100 or 50 lists, other than they are receiving personal recognization by their peers along with the major influence of marketing and media hype.

A good instructor is one who help you.


Your response is S-O-O-O typical....all I am saying is if you don't like the way someone is doing something, teaching something, et al, there is always a way to express a negative opinion that exemplifies class, and there are ways to also prove one lives in, or close to, the gutter. Depending on the content of one's character, one will choose which way to respond.
A big friggin' raspberry for Dean Reinmuth. Those horrid Como shirts, that smug smile, the simplistic, coloring book teaching style... Oy Vey.

Is it any wonder Mickelson can't keep it in the yard?


From an article about Michelle Wie on espn.com:
Enter superpro David Leadbetter, who spent two hours with Wie in Florida late in the year and immediately noticed the teen was bringing the shaft of her driver across the target line: a classic inside-out swing.

Leadbetter made a three-degree change in Wie's shoulder angle at the top of her backswing and taught Wie to narrow the pitch of her downswing. The difference showed immediately. Wie hit 11 of 14 fairways on the first day of the Sony Open. The following day, she fell back into her old swing, with her hips swiveling around too far, and she pushed all but eight drives out of the fairway.


bcoak..any mentioning of Lead in a favourable light will alienate you amongst forum members here.

shame on you!lol


quote:Originally posted by Pro

Didn't she shoot 68 the second day and 72 the first day?

She scrambled and putted well in the second round.

First round she hit 80% fairways,2 shots to get out of 1 bunker and many missed putts.

We all know you don't neccesarily score well if you strike it well and vice versa.


his first book set me so far back that I am still trying to dig out! Im 35 and read it my Frosh year in collge it it screwed me up big time. Had earned playing privelages at college which was a big deal a it was D1 (small) and I had never solely concentrated on golf. I had an athletic swing and beleived all the hype around him and tryed to change. WIsh I had never bought the book!
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