Why do people insist ...?

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Those are some good pictures, and I like the golftec one esspecially, but where did you get it puttmad?

Sorry mate, I can't remember. It was some time ago now..
You'll just have to take our word for it, or refer to the thread Brian pointed to above maybe....



This was first published, I think, in The Search for the Perfect Swing, by Alister and Cochran. Interestingly, I left Callaway because they wouldn't give me ANY info on this subject, but Taylor Made would...



The ball will always leave the clubface somewhere between the direction of clubhead travel and the direction the clubface is pointing, but usually nearer the direction the clubface is pointing. For a right handed player, if the angle between the two (clubhead travel vs. clubface) is 20 degrees, the ball will leave at approximately 7 degrees to the right of the clubface. Thus the ball leaves at an angle 65% closer to the clubface angle than the travel angle. See, The Search for the Perfect Swing, 1968,Cochran & Stobbs; pages 123-127;
The ball will always leave the clubface somewhere between the direction of clubhead travel and the direction the clubface is pointing, but usually nearer the direction the clubface is pointing. For a right handed player, if the angle between the two (clubhead travel vs. clubface) is 20 degrees, the ball will leave at approximately 7 degrees to the right of the clubface. Thus the ball leaves at an angle 65% closer to the clubface angle than the travel angle. See, The Search for the Perfect Swing, 1968,Cochran & Stobbs; pages 123-127;


I think you'll find the 65% figure is not correct these days mate, due to different characteristics of balls nowadays...its more like 75-80% with modern balls, which don't suffer sidespin as much.
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