Why do some students fail to improve?

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Brian Manzella

RunDMC/12 piece Bucket

rundmc said:
I gave you credit dude . . . it's in my post.

I just keep asking for credit, because I have to prove to my forum members that you really are fair, even though you run a section of the "other guy's" forum.

rundmc said:
I could care less about reviewing Steve's video. I wouldn't go to him because ....

I wan't talking about Steve's video. I was talking about Canton. Of course, how silly of me. You KNOW that.

I have to keep reminding myself that you really are fair, even though you run a section of the "other guy's" forum.

rundmc said:
I would go see somebody like you who has a selfprofessed 3% error rate and not only believes in HIMSELF but also believes in ME.

Now Run, you seem like a smart guy. But YOU KNOW I didn't say I had a 97.% success rate. I said that if you took out the 4 or 5 main reasons why people I tecah don't improve, I'd have a 97.5% success rate.

I have to keep reminding myself that you really are fair, even though you run a section of the "other guy's" forum.

And, if you wish, I will furnish percentages on all the other reasons why.


Brian Manzella said:
I just keep asking for credit, because I have to prove to my forum members that you really are fair, even though you run a section of the "other guy's" forum.

I wan't talking about Steve's video. I was talking about Canton. Of course, how silly of me. You KNOW that.

I have to keep reminding myself that you really are fair, even though you run a section of the "other guy's" forum.

Now Run, you seem like a smart guy. But YOU KNOW I didn't say I had a 97.% success rate. I said that if you took out the 4 or 5 main reasons why people I tecah don't improve, I'd have a 97.5% success rate.

I have to keep reminding myself that you really are fair, even though you run a section of the "other guy's" forum.

And, if you wish, I will furnish percentages on all the other reasons why.

Killa. . . I WAS giving you a compliment. That was the spirit of the portion of my post regarding you anyway. I misread the percentages sorry. But I'll give you even more credit. I think that 97% of the people that come to you WOULD IMPROVE including ME. So maybe you need to give yourself more credit. I'm sure if I spent time with you I'd get better without question. That I am 100% certain of.

Now as far as fair goes . . . sounds like you don't think I'm fair. Fine and dandy with me. You don't have to prove anything on my behalf to your members. What I have written stands and for the most part I'm sure they will just think I'm a retard.

I wasn't at Canton. Never seen the video. Wouldn't care about who's better or not. I'm more self-serving than that. I'd pick out what I like from all of y'all and 86 the rest. I could care less who's better . . . I care about ME getting better first and foremost. Debate ain't my priority. My priority is LEARNING.

Brian Manzella

rundmc said:
I wasn't at Canton. Never seen the video. ... My priority is LEARNING.

Too bad then, there was PLENTY to learn from the video.

I'm not throwing you under the bus yet—you might BE legit.
Although I have dropped 4 shots off my handicap this year 9 - 5 I feel I havent improved at all! I didnt play 1 round of golf this year that I was happy with, im not playing anywhere near the standerd I KNOW i can play too.

My head is filled up with crap! My swing is changeing every single day! And im too in-patient! I want to strike it out the middle everytime, but its not possible!! but i cant get that into my head.



Brian Manzella said:
Too bad then, there was PLENTY to learn from the video.

I'm not throwing you under the bus yet—you might BE legit.

I'm sure there is a PLENTY from all parties to be learned. Variety is the spice of life . . . somebody came up with that corny-ass saying but I think it is applicable to this rift. I think some gravitate towards one camp and others to the other camp. WHY? Because maybe it fits their learning style. Some people WANT and NEED the detail and the book quotes. Some people just want the bottom line. Some people like a drill taskmaster. Some people don't need words they need demonstration and visuals. But I'm sure If I were there or saw the tape, I'd get alot from everybody.

I don't teach golf. Don't want to teach golf. I don't want to work in the golf business. I WANT TO PLAY BETTER GOLF. PERIOD. And I love the book. That's all that's it. I don't give a ratzazz whether any of y'all get better or not. I answer the questions to help me sort out my ideas. It's all about me learning the book and learning to play.

Until then I'll be chillin' at the bus stop because the Benzo's in the shop.

Find a local pro that can see you on a regular basis, or better yet, find a golfer that was a high handicapper and now is a single digit / teacher.
He has been through it all and now can teach someone else. Use your knowledge on the golf forums/TGM to weed out bad information when you select an instructor...................Shot a 76 last week!!!!.
Simple to state, hard to fix ...

Brian Manzella said:
Why do some students fail to improve?

Loubert said:
Why do some students become a source of frustration for their teachers?

shootin4par said:
and why do some teachers become a point of frustration for the students?

The answer to all three questions is:

a LACK of mutual UNDERSTANDING of each party's EXPECTATIONS

now for me personally, a school teacher, I believe the most important thing for me to do in order to teach the children to learn, is make them believe in me and what I am trying to teach them. If the student believes you because you have found a way to prove it to them, then that is the best chance you have at getting a student to make changes. If you explain something to a student but they dont beleive you then they wont change. so if you have to explain it untill they understand it that is what you do. But the teacher must also be able to explain concisely and effectively so the student does not get board. the teacher must also have multiple ways of explaining the same thing because people relate differently to different things.

the student must beilieve the teacher, so the first priority is to establish trust
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Brian Manzella


shootin4par said:
now for me personally, a school teacher, I believe the most important thing for me to do in order to teach the children to learn, is make them believe in me and what I am trying to teach them. If the student believes you because you have found a way to prove it to them, then that is the best chance you have at getting a student to make changes. If you explain something to a student but they dont beleive you then they wont change. so if you have to explain it untill they understand it that is what you do. But the teacher must also be able to explain concisely and effectively so the student does not get board. the teacher must also have multiple ways of explaining the same thing because people relate differently to different things.

the student must beilieve the teacher, so the first priority is to extablish trust

Easily your best post ever.

Thanks, Neil.
shootin4par said:
now for me personally, a school teacher, I believe the most important thing for me to do in order to teach the children to learn, is make them believe in me and what I am trying to teach them. [...]

the student must beilieve the teacher, so the first priority is to extablish trust

I have nothing but agreement with this excellent point. I will point out, however, that it is an answer to a different question than what you originally asked: "what is the most important role of the teacher"?

As a practicing teacher, once you have gained the trust of your students, what do you see as your raison d’être?



Loubert said:
As a practicing teacher, once you have gained the trust of your students, what do you see as your raison d’être?


Lou I got that raison d'etre once . . . and it burnt like fryin' bacon butt-nekked.

What say you boogalouflue?
to the forum

How many students never make it to the course the first month?
If it is a low number do we need more short courses?
I teach at a par three I am looking into peoples feedback on this/
Loubert said:
I have nothing but agreement with this excellent point. I will point out, however, that it is an answer to a different question than what you originally asked: "what is the most important role of the teacher"?

As a practicing teacher, once you have gained the trust of your students, what do you see as your raison d’être?

lou I am not sure I follow you
If I would have worded it "the most important role of the teacher is to establish trust as fast as possible" would that ahve been on topic? I do see the role of the teacher as someone who should establish trust first and foremost. So if you still think my answer was off topic from the question I asked, please clarify your stance
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