I want to vomit every time I hear someone (90% Ams and 10% Pro's) that tell some poor striker to keep their head down, or that they "lifted up on that one..."
I've been at this teaching game (20 years) a while too and have great respect for BM, et al, He's absolutely right on the mark and he doesn't need me to tell him he's right.
Trying to teach folks about down plane force is like telling a crack addict not to do crack. It makes great sense to the addict that there is a "better way," and that it's better for them not to do crack, but the "crack addict" has a hard time doing what's best for them. They look you in the eye, nod, say they understand, they got it... and those uneducated hands heat up that darn pipe again....
I know; there are some GREAT teachers out there that can fix folks of their lifting ways. I just find it bloody darn hard.
1. Most folks don't really put any effort or time into fixing it. They can pay me good money, see themselves on DVD, do plenty of successful drills, you name it.
2. If they start getting things going down plane, some/most hit in on the hosel. (I get a lot of this...yeah, their lagging the hosel...) Then they want to flip it again.
3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8 and 9. 99% of moronic golfers feel that their head has something to do with their poor shots and their awful playing friends have nothing better to say than, "you lifted up on that one....." or, I love this.....
"you dipped." Constant reinforcement of the idiocy.
I can hardly type that without dry heaving.
If I had a time machine, I would go back in time and have a beer or five with the Scotsman that taught golf in the US in 1884 somewhere on the East Coast. Things would be different....
I would start off with, "Listen here laddy, yer heed dunny mean shite, ye need ta get yer students ta get the club landing left o ye ball with a squaring face......" Followed by, "Bartender, two more pints over here."