Kevin Shields
Super Moderator
It's amazing to me that the above belief is held for "mainstream" instructors. I can understand it but to actually hear it and see it is something else. Clearly, like politicians, everyone thinks that their representative is a good one and the problem is with all the other ones. Funny how the correlation exists.
Any teacher that doesn't have student improvement as their sole motivation is not a teacher. I get into arguments all the time with other teachers when I tell them I won't or don't care to teach clinics. They all say "Why not, that's the only way to make a bunch of money." I say, yea I know, but noone learns anything. What good does it do me as a teacher to provide this clinic when noone learns anything or gets better.
I'd rather and continue to teach almost exclusively 1 on 1. It's the only way to ensure that the information they are getting is tailored to them and that they actually can do it or understand it.
If you don't have that at your core, you are not teacher no matter what you call yourself.
Why dont you think anyone can learn in a clinic?