ball 139mph
launch angle 9.3 degree
backspin 2770
spin axis 0
carry 210.6 yard, apex +/-18 after 135 yards, side 0 yards
wind 50mph
direction 90 degree
carry 222 yards, apex +/- 20 after 140 yard, side 57 yards, curve starts at 25 yards
Leon, did you miss the quoted post from Frans?
Frans, what was your data source?
This driver shot carries 11.4 yards further in 50mph crosswind compared to no wind.
I put it down to similiar reasons as you hinted towards
"(unless changes in fluid flow over the dimples affects the lift/drag, but you'd have to ask a fluids expert)."
I believe that's exactly the reason why this particularly shot would carry further because the shot was launched at a less than optimal angle.
So thinking about this a little deeper, the statement I made earlier would only apply to shots launched at a lower than optimal launch angle. Probably just very long irons, if any... and high lofted irons would actually go higher than normal due to that increased lift and therefore not go as far.
So I ran a few different launches with Trajectoware. After playing around with various options I'm a little worried that the way Trajectowares ball flight model doesn't account for wind very accurately.
Here's two calculations I ran through Trajectoware - I chose the optimum launch to maximise carry at 99mph club head speed. (20 degree seems crazy high, but according to Trajectoware that was the max carry)
1st data set is with a 50mph crosswind, carry 264
2nd data set is with no wind, carry 244.6
Carry Init Launch Back Side Side Head Attack Dyn Head Face to Face to Descent
Dist Veloc Angle Spin Angle Spin Speed Angle Loft Path Path Target Angle
264.0 144.9 20 2886.6 0 0 99 10.7 10.5 0 0 0 42.1
244.6 144.9 20 2886.6 0 0 99 10.7 10.5 0 0 0 47.4
So now I am not convinced.
What do the trackman users find when setting various crosswinds?