Wrist Throw / Pitch position

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I have difficulty in getting the pitching position. From the video, once my right elbow gets down to the hip, my right forearm will release. When I check again on the book on the "Wrist Throw" release, the standard procedure for swinging (12-2-0), it said the right palm should face up the sky (of the plane). What I found for me is that my right palm is facing more down (say 90 degree to the plan vs 180 degree to the plane for the face down position). Is this the reason why I can't get the elbow down more for the pitching position? since my right forearm is facing down therefore a tendency to release, more like a fanning motion?
Are you TURNING as well as cocking your left wrist on the backswing? Assuming you are swinging, 12-2 calls for "Standard Left Wrist Action" -10-18-A.
At the top it seems that my left arm and wrist are turned. But, I never intentional turned it as I thought that the right arm should not be turned. It looks very like the twisting as taught in Brian's tape, where my right arm just bending back with the clubface closed at the top. Currently I am experiencing more turn with the club more open going up.

So, should my right wrist be facing to the sky of the plane at top and all the way down to release i.e. wrist throw?

Thanks, Joe.

The right palm should be facing "outward" IN THE PLANE. When you say "up", it sounds like your plane is very flat. The right palm should remain facing outward in the plane all the way to release, at which point the wrists uncock, and then the left arm roll occurs. Homer says that for swinging, the uncocking and rolling should be sequenced in this manner, rather than simultaneous. This, of course, assumes standard wrist action(turned and cocked).

For a complete discussion, go to chuckevansgolf.com and read the thread, "Homer Notes".
I found out what the problem may be today after practicing, all along I have been working on the pivot to do the work and create the lag, I have paid attention to the flat left wrist, but the problem is my wrists are not loose enough, since I want to pivot all along, I am holding the shaft and not allow it to uncock and hit the ground, it may be due to thinking that to uncock too soon it will loose the lag, pitching position etc.

Therefore, it is true that even you want the pivot to do all the work, the arms still need to be loose and swing down, wrist roll and uncock (feel coming to the ball quite steep)?
Seems like i can get away with right palm facing upward at the toe line with short irons, but not so as the clubs get longer---have a hard time squareing the clubface if I "over-twist away"
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