for Glcoach (and others)
Hi again,
heres a better (hopefully) explanation of my "Swing the whole shaft" description.
first..take a look at this..
in the top portion of the diagram, which represents the motion in a Linear fashion, picture the two green lines as steel trailway tracks. the yellow lines represent the clubshaft per my "swing the whole shaft" aka... no part of the shaft moving faster than any other part of the shaft = all parts moving at the same speed aka = no clubhead throw-away.
Notice that in all the yellow shafts, the nice forward-lean that we want at impact and the angles of all shafts stays the same.
The thin red lines close to the yellow shafts, represents what you would see if you "Swung the clubhead" as were so often told to do, as you can see, the clubhead quickly passes leading to a 'shaft' that is leaning BACK immediately after impact.
Now, imagine.. that i could weld the tops of the grips of all those clubs to the upper railway track..and also weld the clubheads of all those shafts to the lower rail way track.
Now... if i picked up that whole assembly...and bent it into a would get what you can see in the lower part of the diagram.
In order to actually construct this circular diagram you will notice that the yellow lines are always leaning the same amount of angle away from a line drawn from the centre of the circle. (blue line). In exactly the same way in the upper part of the diagram, the yellow lines were always leaning the same amount away from being vertical. the only difference in the lower that the whole thing is now in a curved fashion.
Notice that in the case of the red shafts ("swiiiiing the clubhead") that the shaft (and clubhead!!) quickly passes in frint of the blue line = THROWAWAY !!....where-as the yellow line DOES NOT ! in fact the yellow line/shaft remains in a constant relationship to the blue line = NO THROW-AWAY !! .....why??????? because the whole shaft has been swung through ....NOT JUST THE CLUBHEAD.
Hope this helps