Enjoy: http://www.trackman.dk/download/newsletter/newsletter9.pdf
I'm sure the fun bunch had all of this stuff covered before their research a thon. Well, I'm sure the research a thon II will be better.
You need more than just a camera and the Internet to make these calculations!!! Next up, an iPhone from spare parts at RadioShack and more claims of face rotation rates without any numerical values.
The rotation rate affecting gear effect is an interesting concept.
Incredible machine!
I'm sure the fun bunch had all of this stuff covered before their research a thon. Well, I'm sure the research a thon II will be better.
You need more than just a camera and the Internet to make these calculations!!! Next up, an iPhone from spare parts at RadioShack and more claims of face rotation rates without any numerical values.
The rotation rate affecting gear effect is an interesting concept.
Incredible machine!
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