hey guys...
in cff, brian says to learn to hit punch shots with the right foot DOWN...but i don't remember an explanation as to why this is important.
also, just curious to get some input on a component i hear in pop instruction a lot...what they call "width." many pop instructors like a wide backswing, and say it leads to more clubhead speed. so, naturally, i turn to you guys for the truth. is there a tgm and/or manzella term for this? what purpose/benefit does it serve?
thanks as always.
danny c
in cff, brian says to learn to hit punch shots with the right foot DOWN...but i don't remember an explanation as to why this is important.
also, just curious to get some input on a component i hear in pop instruction a lot...what they call "width." many pop instructors like a wide backswing, and say it leads to more clubhead speed. so, naturally, i turn to you guys for the truth. is there a tgm and/or manzella term for this? what purpose/benefit does it serve?
thanks as always.
danny c