right foot down and "width"

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hey guys...

in cff, brian says to learn to hit punch shots with the right foot DOWN...but i don't remember an explanation as to why this is important.

also, just curious to get some input on a component i hear in pop instruction a lot...what they call "width." many pop instructors like a wide backswing, and say it leads to more clubhead speed. so, naturally, i turn to you guys for the truth. is there a tgm and/or manzella term for this? what purpose/benefit does it serve?

thanks as always.
danny c
I think that a wider BS allows for more shaft loading in the down swing. It works best if you are wide on the BS, and narrow on the down swing.

Brian Manzella


...in cff, brian says to learn to hit punch shots with the right foot DOWN...but i don't remember an explanation as to why this is important.

It is just a way to demand a more forward hip and hand position at impact.

Just A way, but not THE way.
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