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    New FRONT9 Video - Rory's Key Move - by Brian Manzella

    Brian's Video on Rory's Key Move
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    A Week to Remember

    Another whirlwind week in the books. 8 cities in 5 days and a lot of meat on the bone. I learned an incredible amount, and got a lot of good work done. Day 1 - Alarm rang at home in New Orleans at 4 am. Took the JetBlue to New York City (Manhattan) - Mike Jacobs picked me up at JFK and we...
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    Understanding the Release

    <iframe src="" width="700" height="525" frameborder="0" webkitAllowFullScreen mozallowfullscreen allowFullScreen></iframe>
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    Hand Path in Transition by Brian Manzella & Art's Dynamic Balance Thoughts

    This is a look at the path of the hands and the left shoulder from the top of the swing using Rickie Fowler as a model. What I am trying to show is where the hands would go if the body movement is removed. Obviously this is 2D depiction of a 3D movement and has some distortion due to the...
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    Big Congratulations in order!

    Forum member, military man, and Manzella student, Stephan, Wgolf131, shot 68 today in his military Men's league tournament. So what? So this: Stephan came to me two years and a couple of months ago for the first time as a 12 handicapper. One full day at English Turn and a couple of hours at...
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    Not a "sway"

    Today I posted the video below to show that—yes—Walter Hagen moved his head on the backswing. And yes Walter Hagen played golf before Jimmy Ballard taught golf. And yes, David Toms and Lindsay Gahm move their head, and so do lots of folks, and Bob May and Scott Simpson mode theirs up, and they...
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    Ace #3

    Made an ace today in a playing lesson. Hit the pin on the next hole. :)
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    Thanks to all....

    We at are now ranked higher than ever, reaching a milestone we were approaching a week or so ago. We have even surpassed many golf sites not even in our category. Of course this is all because of your support, or at least interest, in our work. Thanks again, Brian
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    300 yard carry....

    One of my students hitting a TrackMan verified 300.9 yard carry tee shot. His lesson featured strengthening his grip, taking his angle of attack with the driver from 2° down to 2° up, and keeping his arms as under his shoulders during the swing as he could. :) <iframe...
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    The Future is Now (and there ain't no going back) - by Brian Manzella

    I remember when the handheld video camcorder was first introduced, I was the first person in the whole region to teach with one in every lesson (1985). In 1988, the local CBS affiliate WWL, #1 in news in the south, did a story on me the day after local newspaper TheTimes-Picayune did a story on...
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    The Release of the Left Arm Across the Chest

    This sequence of Jack Nicklaus—the Greatest Golfer of All-Time—was taken from the book THE FULL SWING. They did a really bad job in the book, all the pictures where rotated different, and the lines weren't any good either. After 2 hours of work, I think you can see the left arm across the...
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    Ball Speed Magic Number for "big boy" golf

    If you have a Ball Speed of 160mph or more, you can play any golf course in the country. Mine is in the 150-155 range at best these days, but that is up slightly recently. My goal is to get a few in 160 range this year. On tour that is the speed of middle of the pack, to slightly back of...
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    Brian Manzella Free Instructional Videos and Video Answers

    Going to put them all in this post... but for now: <iframe src="" width="700" height="394" frameborder="0" webkitAllowFullScreen mozallowfullscreen allowFullScreen></iframe>
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    What happens on a slight toe (side of the COG) strike - with Dr. Paul Wood comments

    <iframe src="" width="700" height="175" frameborder="0" webkitallowfullscreen="" mozallowfullscreen="" allowfullscreen=""></iframe> "The thing to bear in mind is that the club is rotating around the shaft axis as it moves...
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    A couple of announcements....

    The website is ranked higher today than it ever has, closing in on a personal goal of mine. 25% of all the visitors to the site are new folks, and we haven't done a good enough job with those folks, so some extra time will be spent there. As has happened many times in the 9 years we have...
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    Less Shots or More Shots? - a hypothetical by Brian Manzella

    I asked this provocative question to several teachers at the GBN Summit in Grand Cypress a few months ago: If you could go back in a time machine to 1985 and ban the use of any video camera or graph-check camera in the entire world, would the WORLD SCORING AVERAGE from then to now go up or...
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    Teaching Stone Cold Facts

    Brian Manzella's RULE #1 of Golf Teaching A. There is what the TEACHER wants the student to do. B. There is what the student THINKS the teacher wants him to do. C. There is what the student is actually doing. Never forget it. That is why the whole bass-akward way of teaching positions...
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    Little Guy, Big Swing.

    <iframe src="" width="700" height="394" frameborder="0" webkitallowfullscreen="" mozallowfullscreen="" allowfullscreen=""></iframe> Young student of mine who is coming along nicely.
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    New Series: What I teach - by Brian Manzella

    In the next couple of months there will be a lot of new visitors to the site. So, in preparation from this influx, plus for the benefit of all who visit this site, I am starting a new series called "What I Teach." It will cover the following 10 categories: 1. The Grip 2. Set-up 3. Early...
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    Quick iPad question....

    For those with an iPad, how do you save the AS2 video to the iPad for future playback?