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  1. J

    Need some help with the pulls....

    Well my grip has migrated over to something a little stronger than "manzella neutral" and is pretty much normal strong single action. It just seems to feel better and works a little better when i "swing." However i am having a problem with clubface pulls. I am so used to having a perfectly flat...
  2. J

    4 barrel hit/swing???

    Well, it's nearing the end of the season here in Chicago and the grass ranges are closing up by sunday :(. So i usually take this last week i have on the turf and try to experiment and tinker a bit. Well i have been fascinated with the 4 barrel swing/hit lately as i don't know a lot about it...
  3. J

    Pics: Flat Left Wrist/Anatomically Flat Left Wrist

    There have been a lot of people who have wanted to see pictures of Brian's "perfectly flat left wrist" vs "anatomically flat left wrist." So i have done that for you, see below (This thread goes hand in hand with this thread: )...
  4. J

    Pictures of Manzella Neutral left thumb placement

    There have been a lot of people who have wanted to see pictures of where the left thumb placement is for "manzella neutral" versus "aft side" of the strong single action grip. So i have done that for you, see below (This thread goes hand in hand with this thread...
  5. J

    Well, Brian knows best i guess......

    I've messed around with swinging ENOUGH. Can i do it? Yes. Can i do it pretty well? Yes. But am i swinger? NO! Went back to my modified Never Slice Again swing that Brian taught me a while ago (it's something in between Never Slice Again and Never Hook Again) and VOILA! Short hitter's...
  6. J

    Fade has

    Well it has been a REALLY long time since i've been able to play and only recently until i quit my recent job have i had time to go hit balls. Here is the report: Solid contact Solid "thump" Fade/pull fade has returned I've tried A LOT of things in my own knowledge to correct it and i'm just...
  7. J

    Knee bend at address [AudioAnswer]

    If i don't set the proper amount of knee bend at address, my body/mind will "find it" during the downswing won't it? That move can lead to "bobbing" can't it? Could this be why i have such a feeling of "sitting down" through impact? Just curious as many have told me i don't have enough knee...
  8. J

    Brian......the "Tour Pitch"

    You've talked about this a few times on the web and you've discussed it with me in person. Lately since i've really been hitting the ball well and scoring well too (thanks Big B!) i have been trying to learn the "tour pitch." I'm not 100% sure i'm doing it the way you said (it was a while ago...
  9. J

    Michael Campbell swings....

    VERY VERY VERY good..... He'll finish top 3 at least if not win
  10. J

    Brian....the "sit down" position you speak of

    I'm just curious about this "sit down" position. I love reading your pivot articles every once in a while because even though i know what i'm supposed to be doing, it is nice to see some pictures and some writing to reiterate it to me. One thing that always alluded me was that feeling or...
  11. J

    Swinging vs. Hitting...its great to know both

    As a small follow up to my "i finally get it post" I am really glad i learned swinging. I was more a switter before and eventually merged into swinging. Swinging works great because its effortless and makes it easy to hit the long...
  12. J

    -4 in my last 6 holes WITH A BOGEY

    I'd like to preface my local course i go to is short and lots of fun because many holes are short par 4s that are fun to play whether you use a 3 iron or a driver. I'd also like to thank brian for the help he gave me this year and really learning my own pattern and trusting it. The "Never Hook...
  13. J

    My new favorite shot to get out of trouble.....

    The 4 iron stinger that cuts out of the rough and still goes like 170-180 yards. ---- So i have this problem lately, since i've converted to more of a swinger with horizontal hinging, i'm hitting my 8* driver TOO LOW. There is less "leakage" from not performing an angled hinge anymore...
  14. J

    I finally "get it"

    Its funny how the golf swing is so much "take one step foward, two steps back, then take 5 steps foward." Because that is what really has happened to me in the last few months. But i worked through it all and with the help of Brian, Lynn's site, EdZ and MANY OTHERS i finally "get it." I can...
  15. J

    Wanted to buy: Shell's Hogan Vs Snead...

    I figured i'd try here before i bought a brand new one. Thanks jim
  16. J

    Brian, pitch vs punch elbow....explanation?

    I have always wondered what the difference between these two are. Can you, or someone knowledgable in the subject, explain the difference to me. Thanks
  17. J

    Brian, couple things i need help with...

    I've pretty much have everything sorted out. I need a little more practice with my path (early in the season) and i'm hitting my woods pretty solid. However i'm down on speed and i guess i just need to get back in the gym :( Anyway, i can't figure out the driver. I'm using the same swing as my...
  18. J

    My Manzella Trip Report....I'm back

    and tired.....LOL I'll post something better tomorrow but i must've hit over 1000 balls this weekend and tried 10 different patterns and pretty much ended up with what i showed up with with a different takeaway and more clubface control. Curious what it looks like? check out David Toms swing...
  19. J

    Well first 9 this year and old habits are back...

    I think anyway...everything was relatively low and for some reason i was hitting mid trajectory hooks :( I think i'm getting too flat again, i guess its good timing that i'm seeing brian this weekend. No matter what i could do with my driver it hit waaaaay too low and a lot tended to hook and...
  20. J

    I've discoverd float loading....

    And boy do iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii like it! I've been experimenting at home in a mirror with a lagging clubhead takeaway and i couldn't swing very fast in my apt but i see how it could add to wrist cock. Add to that brians new video "confessions of a former flipper" with a nice detailed explanation...