Search results

  1. curtisj76

    Orange Whip

    OMG, talk about love at first swing. 10 minutes after the FedEx guy left my house I'm in love with a fruit. From a guy that didn't have a real dynamic pivot, this thing is hopefully going to change my game for the better. After switching back to an iron, it felt totally different. My tempo...
  2. curtisj76

    Does FATS/Torque = distance loss?

    Now that I'm trying to not swing so right I need to start closing the face. I've been using the "drag the wet finger" in my swing now with good success/nice divots. My only question is if there's a loss of distance with the increased torque I'm feeling with this "move"? Thanks C
  3. curtisj76

    Hips: Filling the Gap

    If you don't "fill the gap" with your hips on the downswing, what problems can arise? Thanks Curtis
  4. curtisj76

    Junior clubs

    For those with children, what clubs have you had good success with? I just bought 2 sets of US Kids for my 8 yr old daughter and 4 yr old son. I want them to have quality gear that fits so money isn't an issue. I also noticed they have a "Tour" series. Are they much different than the...
  5. curtisj76

    Brian Manzella's Top 10 Ways to Hit The Ball Farther

    Any changes Brian from 1/23/09? Thanks!! Brian Manzella's Top 10 Ways to Hit The Ball Farther 1. Allow your right elbow to get as far from your right ear as possible. 2. Get the weight OFF of your left foot early in the backswing. 3. Stronger left hand grip, near matching right hand. 4...
  6. curtisj76

    Hands at impact

    I just read a few threads were some members were trying to have "lower hands at impact." There was really no explanation as to why. What would "low hands" vs high hands give you? Is this really valid? Thanks Curtis
  7. curtisj76

    Search help

    How about some tips on searching the forum. For example, I'd like to search for "across the line." Is there a way to search for it? I've tried typing the whole thing in with and without quotes. If there's not a way I think Brian/whoever should "upgrade" the site. Otherwise there's probably...
  8. curtisj76

    Putting: Forward press

    What do you guys think of a forward press in putting? Benefits? Drawbacks? I assume you need more loft if you do this correct? Thanks
  9. curtisj76

    Trackman crazy??

    Is it me or is this place going Trackman crazy? It seems like 85% of the posts are about Trackman. What made this site great is that Brian would take complicated issues and make them simple. Like using a size 11 shoe to make your swing better. Now it's a bunch of numbers that get spit out by...
  10. curtisj76

    I'm back, catch me up!

    Hello my golfing friends, I've been gone for several months. Have I missed anything "major"? New vids or new drills from the BManz's coconut? Anything I really should take a look at. I'll do some searching but wanted to see what you guys thought first. Curtis PS We could also talk college...
  11. curtisj76

    Across the line, yeah baby!

    I absolutely love it! Was at the range yesterday and was struggling with a few shots still going out to the right. Fed up, I decided to make an attempt to get across the line (recommended by Jim K). Holy cow, did it work. Both irons and driver were much better. I had the very best driving...
  12. curtisj76

    Wedges: Too much spin

    After my lesson with Jim, I'm striking my irons much better. However, sometimes I'll have way too much spin with my wedges. Today I spun 2 GW's almost 10 feet back off of greens. Both shots were struck "great", they just had too much spin. Thoughts? Ball = ProV1 Club = 52* low bounce...
  13. curtisj76

    Aiming your putter

    How do you guys aim your putter? I've read and seen many guys align their putter with just their right hand. Why is this? I've tried but when placing my left hand back on the grip it usually changes where I aimed. I can't seem to aim and then put both hands on the club without changing...
  14. curtisj76

    Finney! Finney! Finney!

    How about a recent swing Mike? Your DTL driver swing from 2007 is something I watch almost daily. Kobylinski fixed my driver and yesterday I was striping balls at the range. My swing thought was "Finney". I'm sure we would all love an update. Thanks Curtis
  15. curtisj76

    Glow balls

    I'm doing some glow ball tournament coming up and the thought of hitting one of those things got me thinking about damage to my driver. So I made a google search and found this: "Warning: Do not use hollow metal woods as the golf ball may damage your club. Use only solid woods, irons and...
  16. curtisj76

    Bent left arm = more speed????

    Quote from LoCho: "Don't worry that my left arm is bent. Centrifugal force will straighten it at impact, increasing my clubhead speed." Thoughts??
  17. curtisj76

    Impact pictures from the greats

    Does anyone have pictures of the greats at impact? DTL and front views? It would be nice to have a collection in the same thread. Hogan Trevino Miller Norman (shark) Nelson Snead Etc
  18. curtisj76

    I FINALLY get a lesson!

    Hello everyone, I’ve finally taken my first golf lesson ever. My goal this summer was to get down to Louisville but with my schedule and Brian’s, I didn’t want to wait any longer. Yes I know, I lack patience. I have about 1 month of golf left and I didn’t want to wait 2 weeks so I had to...
  19. curtisj76

    John Senden's swing

    Have his swing ever been discussed? That guy can really crank on that shaft. Fun to watch.
  20. curtisj76

    Tee height: 460 cc drivers

    How high do you guys tee up the ball with your 460 cc drivers?