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  1. B

    Welcome to the best golf instruction site on the web!

    Why? Superior Knowledge, not restrained by any allegiances. Run by the Best Live lesson teacher on the planet. No PC answers. What does this mean to me? Well if you need a question answered—any golf question—This is the place to ask. For example: "What is the best Driver on the Market?"...
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    Thanks for visiting the new site!

    Lots of upgrades within the site in the next couple of days. Videos will be purchase for their own page. Video answers will have a spot on the regular site. Video and new pics will be added. etc. Thanks, Brian
  3. B

    The finish swivel.

    What is more important to alignment golf-- A flat left wrist through impact or hinge action? Can you produce PERFECT clubface alignment at impact and through the follow-through (Hinge Action) and then full-roll the left arm with the wrist still flat? Can you hit a fade with the so-called...
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    My FAVORITE Televison Show

    "What Not To Wear." Why ya think?;)
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    Earl Woods: 1932-2006

    There will be much said this week (and beyond) about the passing of the man who raised and trained the best golfer of all-time. Here's a little more, from your humble host's point-of-view. Earl Woods was on a mission. Mission: Build a Golfer to catch Big Jack. He was more than halfway there, 15...
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    Brian Manzella Update...May 3, 2006

    I am heading off to do a private Manzella Academy School in Oklahoma City. The new site should be up by early next week! I have been very busy, but will post a bunch soon. Hold up the fort (and guard the door)! BManz
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    ...and from Lil Zach to David Toms.

    I've been at the PGA Tour's Zurich Classic the last couple of days helping my old pal DT. Pull for him this week.;)
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    Manzella Academy at The Cardinal Club in the books

    Hey folks. We just finished another Manzella Academy Golf School. I went very well, the golfers improved, learned a lot, had fun, and so did we. I was trilled to do this school with my long-time pals and proteges, Tom Bartlett, Mike Finney and Chris Hamburger. A better threesome of...
  9. B

    Manzella, Manzella Forum, & web site update, etc.

    Hello to all. I will try to catch all of you up on me and my little golf business... Me - Spent the last two weeks traveling and moving in to my Louisvile apartment, "for the season." I traveled to Pensacola, Florida to shoot a "golf show" for the Tourist Network. The day I returned to New...
  10. B

    Brian Manzella on the road again!

    I'll be driving from Reserve, LA to Louisville, KY today and tomorrow morning. If anyone needs me, just call at 502.417.4653, I'd be happy to talk to you. I have just returned from two days of teaching at Old Memorial Club in Tampa and just before that, shoot a new golf show in Pensacola...
  11. B

    Best way to view the Video Answers

    Quicktime 7: Another way is to download iTunes: an right click on the links and download them to your computer, drag the file into iTunes and you'll be able to view them from within iTunes. I am working on a couple of other better solutions. Thanks...
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    New!! 12 NEW (That's right, 12!) Video Answers

    Over in the Video Answers department...
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    Sally Kelley passes away at 93

    I became an Authorized Instructor in 1989. Homer Kelley passed away a few years before this, so my only contact was with a "little old lady" named Sally—Homer's wife. She was as sweet as pie on the phone, and although her voice was "little old lady," she was anything but, carrying on the...
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    Byron Nelson Swing Analysis by Brian Manzella

    Here is the Audio...
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    Brian Manzella's new web site, new site focus, etc

    My new site will be completed in the next 10-14 days. I really am looking forward to it. From the beginning of hosting this site, it has been my goal to educate and improve as many golfers—worldwide—as possible. I think I have done a pretty good job. But, I know I can do better! So, today is...
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    Brian Manzella's new web site, new site focus, etc

    My new site will be completed in the next 10-14 days. I really am looking forward to it. From the beginning of hosting this site, It has been my goal to educate and improve as many golfers—worldwide—as possible. I think I have done a pretty good job. But, I know I can do better! So, today is...
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    Brian Manzella's first teacher, Walter Pryor, dies

    He was one of a kind... Here are a few classic Walter Pryor quotes... Walter: "Lil pro, you sure are hittin' it good." Brian: "I'm going to play in the city championship. I think I can beat anybody except Tommy Moore." Walter: "The first thing you do when you get there, is punch Toomy Moore...
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    Who is going to be first?

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    BRIAN MANZELLA UPDATE — March 1, 2006

    Hello folks! Well it has been a wild ride since Katrina. But, we are finally seeing the light at the end of the tunnel. Me and my lovely wife Lisa, are planning to bull-doze our house in New Orleans soon, and maybe we can start building the new one within a year. (things move slow down here)...
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    David Lee Alford Posts 'em up!

    David sent me these two swings. One is his Hogan swing, the other an early set MORAD type.