Search results

  1. B

    Adam Scott Pivot Analysis

    A modern, flexible example of many of Brian Manzella's pivot teaching preferences. In the first pic, Adam sets up NICELY behind the ball, not trapping himself by setting up too far forward. In the second pivot, he rotates around a point between his shoulders and actually, his whole spine...
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    Off to the SoCal Manzella Tour Stop...

    I will be traveling early tomorrow and won't be able to post much. I'll try to give reports from the trip and keep up with the site in the evenings. :)
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    Two Different Pivots (with pictures)

    These are two pictures of me that I posed today. I am not the biggest fan of posed pictures, but I wanted to get them as close to exactly right as possible. With the help of my student Adam Mallory, I did just that. The picture on the left is a Top of the Backswing with the Center of my Head...
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    Gregg McHatton 5-iron swing. Very Dynamic, slow and HEAVY!

    Here is one for the books:
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    Is it shut or not? (Manzellacam)
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    The Kool-aid Tripod is dead, long live the REAL Pivot.

    Here is yet another video of a pretty good player, pivoting the WAY I teach. :) Of course, that head-in-the-precise-middle-of-your-feet-thingy might work for somebody. Here is the higher quality Quicktime movie:
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    Katrina (almost) one year later

    The traffic in and out of New Orleans is bad. Real bad. But that's good. Because that means there is action in the Cresent City. The city is coming back. A great portion of it never left. But if you live in Peoria, you think New Orleans is done. Why does the media do such a poor job? The...
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    New MANZELLA Video Answer "Movie"

    Hope everyone enjoys.
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    lmisner1040's (and others) great questions

    Sorry folks, as I have been very busy finishing up the new "Never Slice Again." It is very close, needing only some color corections, a couple of menus and it'll be done. lmisner1040 and others—like curtis76—have have some particularly good questions/thread of late. I will do a video answer...
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    Manzella Institute for Better Peformance

    Here it is folks. The Manzella Golf Forum. THE place where THE ITALLIAN STALLION gives away the BEST information on how to hit the ball better. Why don't they all come study me? Because: 1. There can not be TWO kings. 2. In the blind man's world the one eyed man is KING. 3. Because of EGO...
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    BRIAN MANZELLA "TOUR STOP" in Southern California (LA Area) August 24-27, 2006

    BRIAN MANZELLA "TOUR STOP" in Southern California (LA Area) August 24-27, 2006 Finally! The Manzella-Train stops in SoCal. I will be there for four days. I will be available on Thursday, August 24 for a couple of hours in late afternoon, and All Day on Friday the 25th, Saturday the 26th and...
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    From another forum...

    ...Italics in parenthesis are Brian Manzella's additions... "There are some on other sites that have made the same statement (four barrel swinging is a doable procedure). ...they think they know what they're spewing is fact. I won't mention names to protect the innocent, but here's the 411...
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    From the desk of Marty Irvine, and the mind of a Kool-Aid salesman.

    Martee: "Brian, this is the problem I have with 'everyone and TGM'. If you going to teach TGM or are you using TGM to teach a golfer? I believe you are the latter from what I read, saw and heard. If someone asks to be taught TGM that IMO is different that someone asking to be taught a golf...
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    Brian Manzella Update - July 21st, 2006

    Hello folks! Sorry I haven't been able to post very much lately. I have been like a hermit EDITING the New Never Slice Again 2.0. Many of you are "Beta Testers" for this video—version 0.9x—and will recieve this new version free of charge as soon as we get it back from the DVD duplication...
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    Possible Manzella "Tour Stop" in SoCal area.

    We were woking on a co-branded school with TGM. LLC for late August that probably won't happen until later this year, at the soonest. But, the "Manzella Tour Stop" bus, may 'stop' in SoCal in the next couple of months. Prices would be the same as the popular Atlanta stop and the upcoming...
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    Brian Manzella's Best 20 Players of the Steel Shaft Era and Their Best Swing Patterns

    I adjusted the previously discussed list to 20 golfers. 18 men...2 women These are the BEST PLAYERS since steel shafts replace hickory. So Bobby Jones, Walter Hagen, etc. did not play the same game as the following list of golfers. Swings like Clampett, Elkington, Moe Norman are great swings...
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    The Manzella Top 15 Players (of the STEEL SHAFT ERA) and their best patterns.

    I will accept you guys and gals opinions on the list, then we will all compile the swing sequences, I'll post them all in this thread MARKED UP and un-marked, and we will do GOLF A GREAT SERVICE. (Too many coo-coo teachers teaching coo-coo stuff out there). The list is the BEST PLAYERS of...
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    Video: Brian Manzella meets Peter Croker

    Peter Croker was in Louisville last week and wanted to meet me and talk golf. This is video of that meeting. Hope you enjoy!
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    New "Brian Manzella Show" Podcast

    The show is BACK! Here is the first episode of 2006, before iTunes and PodBlaze gets it.
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    Proposed Chicago Manzella Tour Stop

    Yup. My kind of town. Looking at September 26th and 27th or 27th and 28th. Private Lessons. Same as Atlanta: Half-day (3hours) $500, Two hours $400, one hour $200 More details to follow shortly.