#5 - Getting the Right Shoulder Down Plane

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Need a sequel: How to imitate Tom Bartlett's right shoulder as depicted in his signature photo.

I can barely pose in that position.


quote:Originally posted by DDL

Need a sequel: How to imitate Tom Bartlett's right shoulder as depicted in his signature photo.

I can barely pose in that position.

It's easier to move to a position than it is to hold a position. ;)
I always tried to keep my left shoulder closed to feel the Right shoulder down plane position. Maybe i should pay attention to this part of the swing more.


Opening Video Answers?

Hi, I'm unable to open the links to the video answers. Is there a program I need to download or something else I need to do to access them? Thanks.


Use "Save Target As"

:) :) :) If you are having trouble downloading the video, try Right click on the link and use the "Save Target As" to save the file on your machine. Then view the file on your machine. This works for me!
Delayed shoulder turn.

What seems to work for me is to start my downswing with my arms and resisting any turning of the shoulders back to ball and they ultimatelly return as a result of a very aggressive arm swing. I feel like I can not get to the ball but the next thing I know the ball is gone going straight and extra long for me. Its sort of like trying everything like not try to the ball except the arms. I finsh completlly roated and I do not have my head dramtically past the ball which is a bit eroor which sends my ball right. I guess this fits the statement turn drop turn only the 2nd turn is passive.

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