Brian Manzella
Although the "Leave them alone and post your good work Brian" sentiment seems very nice, the reality is if it weren't for "that crowd" the Symposium probably never would have happened. They were the catalyst that put the fire unter Brians azz (and mine too).
If we don't look to their challenges and misconceptions we wouldn't have any reason to look at the real science.
Sometimes arguing is a necessary evil to find the truth. It just is. Otherwise why investigate it?
Hall-of-Fame Post.
Actually, the reason I did the ANTI-SUMMIT was all of the methods that claim science are at least somewhat full of crap.
And we WANTED TO blow the junk-scince up.
That includes the Book Literalists.
The other reason was I knew these three guys would be able to answer damn near every question asked—they almost did. There was one question that the panel fell silent on.
But this thread is just another reason we really dislike the book literalist camp.
We POST HARD SCIENCE, show mistakes in the book, and all you hear are crickets.
The book was shown to be wrong—again, and all they can do is call me the Caesar.
What about admitting you were wrong?
I did in the thread starter.
...If they just could admit to be at least partially wrong would be a major step in the right direction.
Damn straight.
...I was not allowed to even post once on LBG and only after a few days, without any notice, barred from iseekgolf. They are so darned scared of letting any scientist on their forums having a close look at all that they claim as the ultimate truth and possibly create doubt in the minds of their obedient disciples.
Truer words are rarely spoken.
none of what you say matters a bit - we're in it to find the truth....if it turns out to be TGM, so be it......TGM futures are trading lower, however, at this point
We are already planning a trip to see another scientist/golf researcher to learn more truths.
While "the other guys" will all meet in a room and try to figure out how to discredit me.
And that folks, is the whole ball-o-wax in a nutshell.