A Different Perspective....
I would love to hear more about this topic. I was going to propose a question on this in the Anti-Summit thread but I couldn't get one together that was scientifically specific.
It isn't a "Science" discussion, and we will not discuss "fitness" issues at my Symposium.
There is already a "World Fitness Summit," and the S&Ters are speaking.
So it sure will come up there.
bet you wouldn't want that expert at the summit, credit to mankinds objective research and development
We want to talk about science, nobody else is doing a symposium like it.
John Graham seemed to have a different view....
The video from this will explain it better than I can if it is not edited.
Here is EXACTLY what happened...
The Chiropractor/Physical Therapist said he had seen a lot of S&T students on TOUR, and they all had back issues.
Almost immediately, Dave Phillips of TPI jumped up out of the audience in a Kanye West moment, and "corrected" the expert saying that S&T was not a reverse pivot.
The Chiropractor/Physical Therapist had said noting about WHAT the S&T pattern was, so why did Phillips jump up so fast?
He is the head of the TPI Fitness Summit, and the S&Ters are presenting, and he was protecting his "ball sales."
So to speak.
At the end of the talk, the Chiropractor/Physical Therapist was asked BY JOHN GRAHAM this:
(paraphrased) "Technique aside, what method is the easiest on the back mechanically?"
The Chiropractor/Physical Therapist said.....after deliberating for a long time, "S&T if done correctly."
It was very odd to say the least, but not surprising in a teaching world where EVERYONE BLOWS YOU UP BEHIND YOUR BACK, but nobody has the balls to do it in front of you or an audience.
And that's a fact, Jack.
Seriously WTF , you have the kangaroo Dr Neal who wrote a beat up article on stack and tilt ( with mclean) claimng all sorts of stuff, how bad it is etc etc and this is the same bloke pissing in mclean's pocket saying the x-factor is the goods
First of all, you guys have never seen Neal in person, or asked hm about his stuff in person, or seen him at work.
That shoe is now on the other foot.
Anyhoo, there are four world-renown experts in golf bio-dynamics:
Phil Cheetham, Greg Rose, Rob Neal, and Chris Welch.
We originally had Phil and he couldn't make it, so we almost asked Chris Welch but he was out of the country, but I decided on Dr. Neal becuase we had communicated in the past on my TrackMan HSP-to-3D machine alignment theory.
Now, I haven't read Dr. Neal's paper, but, I like the fact that he has a willingness to speak his mind and back it up with science.
The point of this symposium is for the scientists to BE CHALLENGED. Otherwise, it is just another boring seminar.
Anyone is welcome to take their best shot at Rob, and I am sure he welcomes it.
On the other hand, you guys NEVER want, and NEVER DO "debate" anyone.
You can show up, or I'll ask the questions for you.
This is a very interesting question. If I had to guess I would say you have to make some concessions away from optimum to make it "easy" on the body.
I have a new pattern that I am working on at the request of GTE member who asked me to develop an "easy on the older body" pattern.
It is called "Easy Does It."
It don't look like anything we are discussing, or anything you have seen from me.
Great article- thanks AC. Funny stuff...
Separate from the apparent confusion (and conflicting statements) at the event this sentence does make sense to me:
"One of the big areas Dr. Van Biezen mentioned that contributed to a great many injuries was the combination of reverse pivot in the backswing and reverse ‘C’ position in the follow through."