Jared Willerson
Super Moderator
How would over-accelerating arms manifest itself in a golf swing?
A form of handle dragging. That has been the case with my own swing anyway.
How would over-accelerating arms manifest itself in a golf swing?
I know that speed is generally the aggregate of many well-sequenced good motions but is there one stand-out area that really contributes for you?
Are you pretty fit or athletic?I really try to use everything when I hit. I don't try to get my hips open, I don't try to get my shoulders open. I try to swing my hands on the hand path I want as fast as I can. I just trust my body to assist in that goal. It ain't perfect, but I can move it when I want.
If anyone could really figure out how to increase swing speed reliably, after fixing all swing mechanics, that person would be a very very rich person. I, personally, don't think anyone has it figured out just yet however Brian's research with handle rotation is at least getting us somewhere.
Here is what i do when i want to hit the ball further and have confirmed via trackman and on course that i do swing it faster and if impact is good ball will go farther:
At the end of my backswing i try to increase the rotational speed of my upper body while simultaneously trying to stop that rotation faster as well around impact. Whether or not it's accurate it's akin to the FEELING of snapping a wet towel on someone; to me anyway. I try to increase speed initially and then i decelerate HARD near impact and that club just comes whipping through.
your mileage may vary
Are you pretty fit or athletic?
Here is my take on power.
The effortless power golf swing does not exist. I see all these folks talking about sequencing, lag and forward lean. Speed comes from muscles. Muscles all over the body are helping to stabilize and put bones into motion. That's it. You have to hit it with all you got and that takes effort! Physical, muscular effort. Ernie Els looks sooth and unhurried because he is BIG! His Muscles are bigger by default and consequently it takes less effort and looks as such. Sure, you have to apply it correctly with the right path, attack angle and face angle. but to hit it far you must use physical effort.
I was practicing last week and this member (nice dude) comes over to me and says that he wishes he could hit it further. I paused for a moment and thought whether or not I wanted to "get into it or not". Of course I got into it. I said "look, you only make half a backswing and then you just cruise on the way down like you don't want to strain yourself", "what do you expect?". I went on, "you love hitting fairways, but you bitch about being short", "either start practicing with the intent to hit it further or quit worrying about it". Further - "you have to TRY to move everything faster".
My father in law who cannot hit it out of his shadow at high noon is always telling himself to be "smoother" and "slow it down". I say be reckless and you will learn to gain control of it.
all i can say is...i have had swings where it felt much easier and effortless than my usual swing and the ball went much further than usual...i'm not talking about flyer lies or downhill+downwind....i'm saying properly further. Maybe I was using more muscle, but it sure didn't feel that way.
Here is my take on power.
The effortless power golf swing does not exist. I see all these folks talking about sequencing, lag and forward lean. Speed comes from muscles. Muscles all over the body are helping to stabilize and put bones into motion. That's it. You have to hit it with all you got and that takes effort! Physical, muscular effort. Ernie Els looks sooth and unhurried because he is BIG! His Muscles are bigger by default and consequently it takes less effort and looks as such. Sure, you have to apply it correctly with the right path, attack angle and face angle. but to hit it far you must use physical effort.
I was practicing last week and this member (nice dude) comes over to me and says that he wishes he could hit it further. I paused for a moment and thought whether or not I wanted to "get into it or not". Of course I got into it. I said "look, you only make half a backswing and then you just cruise on the way down like you don't want to strain yourself", "what do you expect?". I went on, "you love hitting fairways, but you bitch about being short", "either start practicing with the intent to hit it further or quit worrying about it". Further - "you have to TRY to move everything faster".
My father in law who cannot hit it out of his shadow at high noon is always telling himself to be "smoother" and "slow it down". I say be reckless and you will learn to gain control of it.
Here is my take on power.
The effortless power golf swing does not exist. I see all these folks talking about sequencing, lag and forward lean. Speed comes from muscles. Muscles all over the body are helping to stabilize and put bones into motion. That's it. You have to hit it with all you got and that takes effort! Physical, muscular effort. Ernie Els looks sooth and unhurried because he is BIG! His Muscles are bigger by default and consequently it takes less effort and looks as such. Sure, you have to apply it correctly with the right path, attack angle and face angle. but to hit it far you must use physical effort.
I was practicing last week and this member (nice dude) comes over to me and says that he wishes he could hit it further. I paused for a moment and thought whether or not I wanted to "get into it or not". Of course I got into it. I said "look, you only make half a backswing and then you just cruise on the way down like you don't want to strain yourself", "what do you expect?". I went on, "you love hitting fairways, but you bitch about being short", "either start practicing with the intent to hit it further or quit worrying about it". Further - "you have to TRY to move everything faster".
My father in law who cannot hit it out of his shadow at high noon is always telling himself to be "smoother" and "slow it down". I say be reckless and you will learn to gain control of it.
Dear rogerdodger,
The forward arm speed is one of the graphs of the kinematic sequence as obtained from the Titleist Performance Institute, TPI/AMM 12 sensor systems (similar to Michael Jacob's new system), and even available from K-Vest as they also use the Titleist data bases, and place one of 3 sensors on the lead hand.
Just a few days ago, I had access to the new AMM "Walkabout" system, which also places a NEW Bluetooth sensor on the lead hand, and can be taken to the driving range, or even on the golf course.
Back to your question. All these systems record information and present a 'graph' of rotational arm speed in degrees per second referenced to the humerus/glenooid of the lead shoulder complex for the entire back swing transition and downswing.
The rotational speed of the arm has a complex but direct relationship to the eventual speed of the golf club head as it is the energy in this arm that provides much of the energy transferred to the golf club. Faster arm speed is good early in the down swing however, as the angular momentum of the accelerating arm transfers thru the wrists and hands, it accelerates the club, but the lead arm DEcelerates.
IMO, the higher the 'maximum' arm speed at its peak, approximately 2/3 of the down swing time, the higher the club head speed, and peak arm speeds of 900 degrees per second are common for good golfers. Page 60 of the TPI 3D Biomechanics Report used in their Level 2 Classes shows a range of 888 to 1038 degrees per second for accomplished golfers.
Hope that's clear,
Thanks Art, this was precisely the question I was asking. I was not trying to start a debate about pivot v. arms... I simply was curious whether arm speed added distance, assuming the same swing path. In watching Brian's youtube episode 8, the importance of swinging the arms across the body for speed is addressed. If you swing too far right, the arm speed only helps you hit bigger pushes in my swing. So path is important, but assuming the correct path, the faster one swings the arms on the correct path, the more forceful the hit. It likely involves deceleration as you indicate, a quarterback's arm not only slows, but almost stops when the ball is released. It is the initial force applied that propels the ball far. I am simply starting to think that the arms start down from the top in a good golfer much faster than it appears.
It's just not that simple, i know 2 people that debunk your theory quite handily:
1) One person is a very athletic, coordinated strong person, can't hit it very far at all. Needs to fix some swing mechanics which will help but even then, just can't create speed.
2) College buddy of mine who got me into golf, tiny guy, 140lbs soaking wet if he's lucky. I was way way stronger than he ever was or ever will be. He swings is around 118mph.
I would tend to agree with this. Sam Snead was strong as an ox, and I'm sure Hogan was as well. Jack? No doubt. Palmer? You bet. Player? He lifted just to keep up. DeVicenzo? Beast. Oh, and before anyone goes mentioning Sadlowski...you'd be a complete fool to think he isn't ripped for his size. He's like a pit bull, straight sinew.Here is my take on power.
The effortless power golf swing does not exist. I see all these folks talking about sequencing, lag and forward lean. Speed comes from muscles. Muscles all over the body are helping to stabilize and put bones into motion. That's it. You have to hit it with all you got and that takes effort! Physical, muscular effort. Ernie Els looks sooth and unhurried because he is BIG! His Muscles are bigger by default and consequently it takes less effort and looks as such. Sure, you have to apply it correctly with the right path, attack angle and face angle. but to hit it far you must use physical effort.
I was practicing last week and this member (nice dude) comes over to me and says that he wishes he could hit it further. I paused for a moment and thought whether or not I wanted to "get into it or not". Of course I got into it. I said "look, you only make half a backswing and then you just cruise on the way down like you don't want to strain yourself", "what do you expect?". I went on, "you love hitting fairways, but you bitch about being short", "either start practicing with the intent to hit it further or quit worrying about it". Further - "you have to TRY to move everything faster".
My father in law who cannot hit it out of his shadow at high noon is always telling himself to be "smoother" and "slow it down". I say be reckless and you will learn to gain control of it.
Art - could you please expand on what you mean by "SIGNIFICANT additional lower body dynamic balance stability MARGIN"?
How do you define it? How do you quantify it? How do you measure it?