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This one is aimed at those all too prevalent "swing to right field, cross your hands, release the club" tips for fixing slicers...

What's all this wedding ring up stuff and how is it different than releasing my hands out to right field?
Let me answer this one ... NO ... If you are are a science ignoramus, you will not be able to play better ... UNLESS ... you get a personal lesson with somebody who professes to understand the science and can spoon-feed it into you in simplistic 'feel' or 'imagery' terms.

Seek help from a Manzella Academy Instructor. :cool:

I agree 100% with SteveT.

I think the new site needs to really be your own showcase of writing, videos, and instruction. Spotlight should be on you and your academy. Newbies can find the forum later. Create a better catalog of the content you have created so we can find it and link to it. Make it really easy to buy stuff, because your videos have been so helpful, I can't wait to buy more. All the best, congratulations on Top 100!

I think the new site needs to really be your own showcase of writing, videos, and instruction. Spotlight should be on you and your academy. Newbies can find the forum later. Create a better catalog of the content you have created so we can find it and link to it. Make it really easy to buy stuff, because your videos have been so helpful, I can't wait to buy more. All the best, congratulations on Top 100!

+1 to this idea.

Bury the forum so that newcomers won't flock to it immediately. Provide ALL KINDS of little videos, snippets, and articles aimed at the average golfer's problems. Tailor it so that someone can come onto your site, and can find IMMEDIATE answers to their problems with their game. This will help the MOST people and give your ability to teach the most exposure.
The geography and contact information for yourself and your certified instructors.
Your lesson availability; schedule for home based and travel events.
What PGA and LPGA pros have you taught?

What swings on Tour do you like the best?

Name some of your biggest influence with regards to your teaching (besides your parents because most people aren't interested in that unless one of your parents was a golf instructor themself).

What is your 'mission statement' or 'business objective' for your academy?

Name some of biggest myths in golf instruction

My wife has left me, my dog has left me, my friends hate me, and I've lost 3 jobs because of golf. Why do I continue to play this stupid game?

(Not actual representation of my life)
There are alot of people who learn by feel. It would be good to explain how a particular move feels. Also, create or explain drills for particular moves. Good luck Brian and congratulations on your move to number 1!
right hand

i was always taught that the right hand fold or lag is lost on the follow through and cannot be held due to centrifigal force. you teach that it can be held all through the swing with the basketball dribble feel. how do you hold it with the swing forces in effect? thanks, tk
I don't want to be swamped with technical jargon or body part minutia. Do you have a lite version that can still help me play better?
-Manzella or Manzella-used Terms defined.

-Fixes or direction TO fixes for common golf issues. To reduce repeat Qs? (to allow you and MGA more time to answer other Qs?)

-Stuff about HOF golfers, modern greats. Post em up. (evidence...)

-Stance on current issues/trends in golf instruction?

-Examples of students to demonstrate diersity or techniques, flexibility of your teaching.

-Common misconceptions that hold golf back to be debunked or challenged. I like when you basically say "Hey do what works for you but this is what I think and this is why."

-Maybe some kind of disclaimer of "mission statement", or something like that. Getting people on the same page as you may help to avoid this kind of nonsense.

Then again, who knows who some people even are on forums. Regardless it must be annoying to have to deal with those quick to harshly judge, or those trying to grind your gears. (which I presume must happen...)

FAQ Qs that might be useful to "A"(nswer):

"What can bring to golf instruction?"
"What can you offer students?"
"What makes you different?"
"What are you working on?"
Things for beginners, and the skeptics. (/Pop Golf followers)

General Content Suggestions:

-Instruction as focus (naturally), but with the odd diversion for variety. I like your "opinion pieces", BLOGs, etc. Course design, equipment, stories/"lessons", strategy/philosophy and instruction andplaying, etc.

-Current current current stuff, as always. (ahead of the curve) Science, or science-based updates.

-And practical stuff, always. For the golfers and non-techies, or lesser techies.

-Swing alanyses (pro and maybe otherwise) to teach concepts.

-Anything that makes a thread seem more special than just a random thread. A standout picture, writing, audio, short vid answer. Of course you know this, and know it is appreciated. These kinds of threads seem to get the forum going, no?

-Seperate "Help me with my game" forum, to make sure people get fixes?
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As the day of the new site going up draws a little closer, I think that we should take straw poll on the questions that should be answered for anyone who comes to the new site without any background on me, or the site.

Here are a few to get us started:

Why do you teach clubface first on a slicer?

Why do you edit posts?

What do you think about "The Golfing Machine," "Stack & Tilt," "Morad," "1plane/2plane," etc.?

What is a book literalist?

What is "throwing the drunk off your back"?

How do you become a Manzella Academy Instructor?

.....give me some good ones....I'll try to include ALL of them in a new section of the new site.


Really looking forward to the website and although I think this format has been tremendously successful, I am sure that you having more control will be benefitial to all. I do have some questions that I hope can be addressed.

1. How do you become a Manzella Academy Instructor? I have heard how you answer this question in the past and the answer on the new website may the same, but I am hoping there could be a more detailed step by step process posted.
2. When is the next GTE scheduled? What will it cover? Is there a plan of development for the program? Testing etc.
3. When is the next Anti Summit scheduled? What will it cover? Who will be the speakers?

Thanks for the consideration Brian...also if you want to cover any of these questions now, that would be cool too!:) Specifically the next GTE. It can never be too far out for me to try and save up and figure out how to cover the time off!

I also have a suggestion that may or may not work but if you were able to have ALL forum members use their real names (not exactly sure how to verify) the postings and interactions may be more civil as well as much more productive.

Steve Greffen
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