-Manzella or Manzella-used Terms defined.
-Fixes or direction TO fixes for common golf issues...
-And practical stuff, always. For the golfers and non-techies, or lesser techies.
-Swing alanyses (pro and maybe otherwise) to teach concepts.
-Seperate "Help me with my game" forum, to make sure people get fixes?
I like these ideas.
It seems there are two general groups of people who frequent this site...(1) people looking for help with their golf swing/game and (2) lets call them swing junkies or "techies" - golf pros, industry people and the scientist/engineer types. I believe the "help me with my game" concept as an individual forum is great. I realize that "swing theory/science" needs to be the foundation for responses (and should rightfully have its own forum), however; my guess is that a majority of people who read through the posts are from group (1) and a majority of the people who actually write posts are from group (2).
For the "help me with my game" forum, maybe having only Manzella instructors or "Brian approved" PGA pros provide the responses?
As an aside, FWIW, I can tell you that I have learned a lot from this site and especially Brian's videos, but I basically don't post much here because the tone of discourse is less than ideal.