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-Manzella or Manzella-used Terms defined.

-Fixes or direction TO fixes for common golf issues...
-And practical stuff, always. For the golfers and non-techies, or lesser techies.
-Swing alanyses (pro and maybe otherwise) to teach concepts.
-Seperate "Help me with my game" forum, to make sure people get fixes?

I like these ideas.

It seems there are two general groups of people who frequent this site...(1) people looking for help with their golf swing/game and (2) lets call them swing junkies or "techies" - golf pros, industry people and the scientist/engineer types. I believe the "help me with my game" concept as an individual forum is great. I realize that "swing theory/science" needs to be the foundation for responses (and should rightfully have its own forum), however; my guess is that a majority of people who read through the posts are from group (1) and a majority of the people who actually write posts are from group (2).

For the "help me with my game" forum, maybe having only Manzella instructors or "Brian approved" PGA pros provide the responses?

As an aside, FWIW, I can tell you that I have learned a lot from this site and especially Brian's videos, but I basically don't post much here because the tone of discourse is less than ideal.
Excellent point, Softy.

Way too many folks are looking/hoping/expecting to be offended nowadays. I’ve never understood the frailty behind letting any old person come by and yank your chain.

Besides, how sad and boring would it be if “we all just got along”? Don’t adventures in like-mindedness usually end up with a bunch of empty cups of funny tasting Kool Aid?

+1. As long as a certain standard is maintained, disagreement leads to more progress than agreement. But its difficult for some folks to disagree without getting personal, and this is often where it all goes pear shaped.
+1. As long as a certain standard is maintained, disagreement leads to more progress than agreement. But its difficult for some folks to disagree without getting personal, and this is often where it all goes pear shaped.

+1 excellent. I should have said the tone of discourse can be less than ideal - it isn't always.
Good response. I agree with you.

I am only on one other forum. It's a Mercedes Benz owner's forum. Before you think I'm trying to impress you, it's primary for folks that love the engineering of the brand, and like maintaining and repairing the older models.

That forum is an old style e-mail list. The rules are no cursing, no religion, no politics. Pretty much anything else is fine. I suspect the software has the ability to filter e-mails based on key words. They have few problems, but cars are a lot less ambiguous than golf.

How about some numbers on the following scenarios...

1) For an example, let's use a 7 iron at 85 mph, face zeroed, and 4 degrees 150 or 160 yards (however far-ish that ball would fly given a centered hit), "how far" left is that ball going to go/curve at

- HSP/plane line: 0,+.5, +1, +2, +3, etc

Given backspin rates Im just curious to how big of an effect the tilt has....

(I haven't had the luxury of spending much time on trackman, and genuinely interested)

# 2) If we had a robot that could produce the same swing every time for the sake of a theory discussion, how much "left" would he have to rotate the baseline from 3 iron through the bag to 9 iron

......... the 3 iron's obviously closer to "low point" and would be swung less down and out than the 9 iron, but the 9 iron is already "pre-set" on a more vertical plane by it's design ... (Im sure this has been gone over round and round somewhere)
Those are good questions John, I think there was a spreadsheet created that answers some of those that allowed you to plug in different variables into the equation.
# 3) Is the general consensus here that hinge actions (10-10 A, B, and C) through the impact interval have no effect on ball flight? or just compression/trajectory?
# 3) Is the general consensus here that hinge actions (10-10 A, B, and C) through the impact interval have no effect on ball flight? or just compression/trajectory?

i think the consensus is that you can't hinge during the impact interval.
Here it is...

# 2) If we had a robot that could produce the same swing every time for the sake of a theory discussion, how much "left" would he have to rotate the baseline from 3 iron through the bag to 9 iron

......... the 3 iron's obviously closer to "low point" and would be swung less down and out than the 9 iron, but the 9 iron is already "pre-set" on a more vertical plane by it's design ... (Im sure this has been gone over round and round somewhere)
1) For an example, let's use a 7 iron at 85 mph, face zeroed, and 4 degrees 150 or 160 yards (however far-ish that ball would fly given a centered hit), "how far" left is that ball going to go/curve at

- HSP/plane line: 0,+.5, +1, +2, +3, etc

Given backspin rates Im just curious to how big of an effect the tilt has....

(I haven't had the luxury of spending much time on trackman, and genuinely interested)


There was a thread on this a few weeks ago.

The tilt of the D-plane (tilt of the ball spin axis) has A LOT (if not just about everything) to do with the ball's curvature.

Keep in mind we are defining curvature relative to the length of the shot. A 5-yard draw is a lot on a 20 yard wedge and not so much on a 300 yard drive.

Trackman/Tuxen has a rule of thumb that a ball will curve 0.7% for every 1 degree of d-plane tilt. Whether the actual number is 0.68 or 0.72% for a given shot (who cares? :D) the rule implies that the d-plane tilt (face/path geometry) has everything to do with curvature.

I'd suggest reading that thread (search: Tuxen).
The ocean washed away my house, my front yard, but just like golf you hit bottom (just like any golfer out there TW or Westwood, you dig deep and rebuild the right way.
My wife has left me, my dog has left me, my friends hate me, and I've lost 3 jobs because of golf. Why do I continue to play this stupid game?


Really sorry the dog left you. You can always get another wife, friend or job, but a great dog is almost impossible to replace. :D
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