Actually John, I am saying that. Not that my aim is flawless, but it has improved when I have used the Laser aid to check on my aim.
It's apparent to me that Damon hasn't been educated on the subject. Because you can, to a degree 'take the graph' out on the green to you with the aim charts. And it's not too hard to figure out if you read the break, and you're supposed to aim about 2.5 times above the apex, then to calculate about where you aim.
But as far as improving my aim, it's not that hard of a concept to grasp. In the past when I would aim at the apex, it's quite conceivable that I would tend to miss on the low side and then make compensations for that. I used to be very aggressive with my speed which curbs the amount of break. Just a compensation being made for a flaw.
I think the big thing that happened to me, and I believe this is very much true with other golfers that aim at the apex, is that when you aim there and miss it low, the brain tells you 'hey, I have to play more break.' I think that completely disturbs things. Then you start making stroke, aim and speed compensations.
Put it this way, let's say I have everything pretty accurate according to the aim chart (stimp, slope, fall line position, putt speed, etc) and I miss a leftward breaking putt on the high side, then I know that I most certainly aimed too far to the right. So not only do I find the aim charts invaluable for helping make more putts, but I find that the feedback it provides invaluable for improving one's aim.
I understand but how can you tell if it was miss aim or a mistake in face control/shape?