quote:Bobby Jones on golf - Chapter 1/3
I like to think of a golf club as a weight attached to my by hands by an imponderable medium, to which a string is a close approximation, and I like to feel that I am throwing it at the ball with much the same motion I should use in cracking a whip. By the simile I mean to convey the idea of a supple and lightning-quick action of the wrists in striking- a sort of flailing action.
quote:In my conception of the stroke, it is always the left arm that should be the guiding member. In the case of nearly all good players, it is the left arm that starts and controls the direction of the stroke until it comes time to hit.
quote:The right wrist and arm are the primary means of supplying speed and imparting force culminating at the ball. They should therefore remain relaxed throughout the stroke
No wonder he was such a wonderful player. He worked out many of the key elements of swinging. Not bad for a guy that has never had a lesson and yet won the grand slam and other numerous tournaments while getting two college degrees, a law degree and married at the same time.