The "Hawk video" is spectacular. I have been experimenting all week on the range with DT and Hogan approach on this.
I have always had trouble adding enough hip bump, having too fast a transition, and having a kind of spin-out move through the ball. I have been understanding my kind of double move through the ball and reading the Garcia tumble thread again with a fresh eye. (Welshdentist's comments make a ton of sense)
So here's my thought. Just as a too open a face causes all sorts of adjustments that go into being a slicer, not getting the face closed early enough and understanding how closed that needs to be can actually force a fairly decent golfer into that spin-out, fast, and poor transition, little hip bump, too open move. And one of my patches for that was tending to move to an ever stronger grip made my double move through the ball, working the club under late, harder to pull off.
The Garcia tumble thread/single-move vs. double move thing though the ball is actually something I get in a more practical way now.