Thank you Daviusz. So with the type of swing that you recommend, the optimal way is to have left wrist dorsi flexion?
Not only helpful but interesting, but at times confusing given the format of communication and terminology interpretation.
Does cross over mean more of a rolling motion?
To get a better sense what you like the best, which known player impact the way you like? Thanks!
Does crossing over help add power?
Why do goat humpers and pivot stallers (i.e., me) like the roll release? The power? I get my hands up in my backswing, not around, and roll my hands through and time the closing of my face. A herniated disc at L5-S1 doesn't allow me to twist against my lower body, that will never happen unless I want to drop to the ground. The flatter I go the weirder it feels to me.
Because one of the main pivot stall consequences is throwing arms in front of the body while losing the humera/main body pressure and premature straightening of the rear arm. The kinetic chain is being released practically independently on the main body motion (that's why it is tough to keep everything in synch) and the natural consequence is crossover of forearms. It is worth noting here also (what is not commonly known biokinetic phenomenon) that straightened rear arm permits for more rotation (the sum of RoM in joints is bigger).
Goat humping (losing tush) usually accompanies this scenario.