Carl Wolter - Long Drive Champ

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Jim Kobylinski

Super Moderator
Seems like we have some people who know their


Question for you dimple people, what is the real reason behind Callaway using hexagon dimples and does it work? I use Callaway balls and i always found from using them that the ball would fly straighter and through the wind easier since switching years ago. Any truth to that? Or is it just placebo since they said it "should."
Maybe Callaway just realizes you young guys won't remember Royal golf balls.


Seems like we have some people who know their


Question for you dimple people, what is the real reason behind Callaway using hexagon dimples and does it work? I use Callaway balls and i always found from using them that the ball would fly straighter and through the wind easier since switching years ago. Any truth to that? Or is it just placebo since they said it "should."


On the Hex dimples, I can only find mention of some claims and some experiments from the 70's on. In two experiments, the hex pattern on tested balls few higher and further, with apparently the ball having higher lift and lower drag qualities.

For example:
Sport Aerodynamics - Google Books

In another couple of references, it is claimed that the Hex dimples provide for greater coverage of the overall total surface of the ball.

Nothing really shows up in regards the effects of wind, but a smart designer might certainly latch on to that design aspect and test for improved flight.
Seems like we have some people who know their


Question for you dimple people, what is the real reason behind Callaway using hexagon dimples and does it work? I use Callaway balls and i always found from using them that the ball would fly straighter and through the wind easier since switching years ago. Any truth to that? Or is it just placebo since they said it "should."

My understanding was that it had to do with the ability to cover the surface of the ball much better with a more uniform pattern. The more ridges you get on a ball, the more effect it has on creating lift.

Of course, the more effect the spin has the more of a cut or draw you'll put on the ball too.


Seems like we have some people who know their


Question for you dimple people, what is the real reason behind Callaway using hexagon dimples and does it work? I use Callaway balls and i always found from using them that the ball would fly straighter and through the wind easier since switching years ago. Any truth to that? Or is it just placebo since they said it "should."

Jim, some good stuff here: Dimple Error in Putting

My first thought, which seems to be correct, is hex dimples give more overall coverage, so you can get more dimple volume from the same surface area, or use shallower dimples to give the same lift but with less drag.

Oh and by the way - Warning, more science content (and some geometry) :)
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