Club Path - Clubhead Speed

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Dariusz J.

New member
The question of lead heel. A few comments, if I may. I always wondered who was so powerful proponent of having it planted all the motion to influence the instruction taking into account that ALL GREATS before lifted (or better said, rolled in and lifted) their lead heel, especially with long clubs. I remember Harvey Penick wrote about one tour caliber golfer (I cannot remember his name now) who couldn't swing other way but having his heel planted all the time and he said that he always had wished to lift his heel, it never happened.

As regards the place the heel is being replaced -- I've observed all positions, e.g. Peter Thomson replaced it closer to his rear foot, many including Hogan and Snead exactly in the same spot as Art says, some long hitters (Nicklaus, Ted Ray) replaced it further targetwise. While it might be related to one's particular physics (more/less flexible ligaments or joints with smaller/bigger RoM) I think it is very logical to classify it this way. I do not remember where I read this, that LD guys torque/stretch their bodies much better. It would be, I guess, in line with e.g. javelin throwers in light athletic -- the longer is the last step that they can handle (the more stretched is the body) the longer is the throw.



just to be sure art, when you tell me to focus on the lead foot being planted and stable, you mean from address to finish, or from the downswing transition onwards? I'm not sure because history has produced many many great ball strikers who had their lead foot's heel off the ground at some point in their swing.

Dear tongzilla,

Yes I mean from set-up to follow-thru, AND I mean today, with today's equipment AND I mean for ALL golfers of varying ability (like us), and NOT just a few of the elite players of the past and present.

These 'elite player' exceptions have different bodies then ours, different conditioning and training, and of course much different capabilities. I applaud you and other observers that have noticed and studied these exceptions, but I have spent the majority of my time trying to understand the science of 'why' and 'what are' these differences that can be of best use in helping most/regular golfers improve, and not just try to impersonate superstars of the past and present.

So far, better dynamic balance and stability has shown on launch monitors and 3D systems, to be the single most positive increment of distance (club head speed, smash factor) and accuracy improvement (lower launch monitor dispersion/standard deviation values) than other adjustments usually known as 'golf tips'. Consistent TEMPO control is a close second, and IMO equally worthy to spend practice time improving by measuring, recording, and tracking.


Kevin Shields

Super Moderator
Art, I'm sorry but where is the proof that stability and balance is the single most positive increment of distance and accuracy on launch monitors?? Where is this test and who took part in it?



Art, I'm sorry but where is the proof that stability and balance is the single most positive increment of distance and accuracy on launch monitors?? Where is this test and who took part in it?


Dear Kevin,

That is a question that always comes up when I am talking/working with folks here, near Los Angeles, so I keep a book with Trackman, Flightscope, AMM/TPI 3D, and MATT's 'report printouts' that I show to those that are interested, and I think could understand the data. Unfortunately, numbers alone have not ever convinced anyone UNTIL THEY EXPERIENCE IT.

On your side of the country, and with regard to folks you TRUST, and deal with regularly, Brian, Jon Hardesty, Billy McKinney, and Chris Como ALL have experienced, and measured these positive 'dynamic balance' improvements/characteristics, so I have 2 , actually 3 practical suggestions/options for you:

(1) talk to them for their first hand comments, (2) try it yourself, and please send me the 10 swing results of BBKIB vs whatever else YOU feel may be competitive, and (3), if possible, when Brian comes here, please visit me in Southern California.

Of these 3 options, over the past years, and without ANY question, and probably because of the complexity of the recorded data, the personal trials, with a launch monitor, and a competent interpreter of the data recorded is the most convincing, and I would be pleased and honored to help in any way, and at least go over any data you or your students develop.

And finally, Kevin, the real advantage of developing better dynamic balance and hopefully stability margin is that it ALLOWS AND IS SYNERGISTIC with other improvement-seeking swing changes because the golfers body is much less prone to involuntary reflex movements that may adversely affect the overall quality of the swing.

PLEASE try it yourself.

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