I honestly dont remember what was going on in that conversation back then. The face is square to the hsp but if it strikes it on the way down it would be open to the target, which is why you move the hsp left.
Another thing from the OP, you dont necessarily at all have to swing more left with short irons. In fact, its more often the other way around if the attack angle is even similar.
hello kevin
im a little slow on the uptake sometimes. so what your saying is that everything including clubface aims left if you are hitting down on the ball. because if you hit ball before lowpoint it is traveling down and out which would have the face open to your new hsp and square to your target. im sorry but im totally confused on what you are saying about the short irons, i thought with short irons you aim left and swing left to compensate for the downward and outward path of your club.