Thanks Steve,
I think the science of TGM is simply suggestive that there actually is a science. I personally have not found the ultimate value of it to be the actual scientific assertions, especially given the measuring tools the author had at his disposal. It does remain well ahead of its time by my estimation. But the philosphy that a person must embark on a discovery of the science of it in order to truly improve from a total perspective - that is sheer genius in my view.
I am totally sold on TGM Philosphy, and am totally unthreatened by the efforts you all are making to push the discussion, with the latest measuring tools.
I have no understanding of why anyone who abides by TGM PHILOSOPHY would feel defensive about the efforts you all are making to stay ahead and on the cutting edge. Indeed a truly TGM Philosophy would suggest the exact opposite.
From what I can glean about the man, I think Homer would be shocked that his work had not been more actively challenged/revised/updated. The fact it hasn't speaks to the lack of advancement as well as the opportunities that still remain in the golf instruction industry.
We haven't even scratched the surface gentlemen!
I know for a fact that this is a shared sentiment by many.
Keep up the good work!