Brian Manzella
Michael Jacobs and I are pleased to announce the release of our new DVD:
10 Things Every Golfer Should Know
This video covers 10 items that we feel every golfer—of every level—should know, in order to be able to play their best golf.
It is not a typical Manzella "Pattern" video, nor is typical of Mike's past videos.
It is a general knowledge golf DVD, that we feel, is the very best of its kind.
We appear in the video both separately and together, and give any golfer a world of information for the price of $19.99 plus shipping.
We have the exclusive rights to sell the video for a few months before a big roll-out nationally at places like Best Buy and Wal-Mart.
It is NOT available as a web video, only as a commercially packaged and produced DVD.
For the "Ten Things" DVD + USA shipping ($23.99 total):
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For the "Ten Things" DVD + International shipping ($28.99 total):
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