The THESIS of this thread was simple (but the explanation sometimes isn't):
"Sometimes you really hit it good, but then, as fast as it came, POOF it vanishes."
Ever look at the paper on day two of a PGA Tour event? Joe Blow shot 62 at Rancho Pitchinputt on Thursday, but followed it with a 75 on Friday.
Same as above.
Becuase the swing that you PLAY with today, is the result of FEELS that are ONLY FEELS for today. Like
Homer Kelley liked to say (notice how I've learned to boldface Homer's name), you NEVER make precisely the same swing twice in a LIFETIME.
For example, let's say that Joe Blow had been working with a very good teacher that started teaching Joe when he had a bit of a SLICING/SCOOPING WEAK CONTACT problem. For clarity, we'll call the teacher "Herman Jones." Well, Mr. Jones had fixed Joe Blow's SLICING/SCOOPING WEAK CONTACT problem with a flatter left wrist and a better swivel, that Joe learned so well, that he, well, overlearned it a tad (left wrist a little arched and swivel a little early).
So at this point, the student is TRAPPING the BALL better, and HAS NO "under the sweetspot" problem becuase his wrist action had been simplified and (over) corrected.
Then "Herman Jones" needed to "temper" the Joe Blow's new
hooking problem with a little yellow brick road/hip-hand-open clubface w/more body rotation. And the student was fine "in the middle" ---for a while.
But you see, Joe had NEVER got to the root of his problems---the root of everyones problem after all the "weeds" get "cut" so-to-speak---Mr. Blow couldn't have even passed ONE of Ben Doyle's bunker tests. Meaning, Joe couldn't hit a REALLY good pitch shot with correct (for him) hinge action to save his life. Something that, believe it or not, "Herman Jones" knew from day one.
Now, you may want to ask at this time:
"Why didn't Herman just show him how to "Do It Right."
Well, the answer is a little like this whole post, a little easy and a little hard.
Joe Blow had basically just wanted to be "fixed" and showed absolutely no desire for a major overhall as he needed to make cuts on the Tour to feed his family and keep his sponsers happy.
So, "Herman Jones" just fixed him one-step-at-a-time, slowly moving in for the time he could REALLY get Joe to "compress that ball with speed."
But, like happens on Tour everyday, Joe Blow saw another teacher (we'll call him "Pete Rogers").
Mr. Rogers looked at Joe and said that Joe's wrist was arched, and he wasn't hitting enough of the inside of the ball. He tought him to hit a nice little pitch---maybe one that would pass Ben's muster, but a big upgrade nonetheless---and allowed him to bend his wrist and swing more out to right field with less body rotation.
Which, of course, is everything that "Herman Jones" would have done at some point, but he was too busy "pulling weeds."
So, Joe Blow shoots 62 and gets on The Golf Channel and gives all the credit to his new teacher, Mr. Rogers.
Then he goes out and shoots 75, and is tied for 56th after two rounds.
What will Joe Blow shoot in the third round?
The point is, it doesn't matter.
Why did he shoot 62? Now that is the REAL question. And, why did he follow it with a 75? That is the WHOLE DAMN THREAD &Thesis!
No way to know without asking the man upstairs, but, for my money, "Herman Jones" pulled all the "weeds" and made "Mr. Rogers" lesson REALLY EASY.
And although that "Mr. Roger's" probably TAUGHT Joe bend his wrist too much and swing out to right field too much, Joe Blow didn't do either because he STILL HAD THE FEELS THAT "HERMAN" TAUGHT HIM INTO AND OUT OF.
This happens everyday whether or not it is "Jones & Rogers," Leadbetter & Harmon, Golf Digest & Golf Magazine, or The Golf Channel and one of these forums.
You play with and AGAINST the FEELS you have TODAY, and you play with the ideas you have today working with and against the ideas from yesterday.
And that's a fact, Jack.
The only hope for a student is to stick with one teacher long enough to actually find out if that teacher is selling the answer or the antidote---or both.
In the meantime, though, it don't make any difference if the 62's keep coming.