Ever hit it sooooo good........

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So what do you do? Go back to "tinkering on the range" (ie chaning components). The secret to playing great golf and being consistent is picking a set a components that you can repeat (under pressure if playing tournament golf) and leave it alone. Now that could me a bent left wrist and throwaway, but if you do it the same EVERY TIME, what does it matter?

I don't disagree with this but it's one of those "can't have your cake and eat it too" situations. You're condoning any component that aids in getting consistent results. Yet the components that yield consistent results are the hardest to acquire: a FLW, straight plane line, lag, forward leaning clubshaft, etc.

Translation: Very, very few w/ poor mechanics (or components, whatever you wanna call it) can do anything consistently - maybe other than play bad!

Yes, to hell with video and line drawers and all that....but if you knowingly have a technical "flaw" and rationalize it by saying that you're more comfortable & can make a more repeatable motion, are you not limiting your golfing ceiling? Better golf and best golf are different things.
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