how is this different from the concept of clubface orientation and path? what is the third point in the plane and how does it make a difference? Is that slanted orange line supposed to be parallel to the end of the ball curvature?
How do real golfers use this?
The old PGA "Ball Flight Laws says that the ball would start on the PATh and curve to the face.
The ball starts between 70 and 90% toward the WHOLE FACE (including loft) and curves AWAY from the path.
The old PGA "Ball Flight Laws says that the ball would start on the PATh and curve to the face.
The ball starts between 70 and 90% toward the WHOLE FACE (including loft) and curves AWAY from the path.
Does the 70-80% number apply to 300 yard drives as well as 100 yard wedges? 50 yard wedges? How much does it vary? And where exactly did the data come from on this? I don't doubt it, just curious?
And it is amazing how many people (so called swing /academys/gurus) have got it wrong!........