answer to average distance on tour, Thanks to the Skins Game

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I was on a golf simulator yesterday and the numbers pertaining to CHS, Ballspeed and Carry Distance were spot on with your numbers. Good work.

Jim Kobylinski

Super Moderator
Another forum (equipment based)found that in robot testing some drivers produced ball speeds 6-7 mph higher than other reputable drivers...same shaft...same loft...same robot swing speed 105 and 115 mph....same centred impact!!

Seems like quite a big difference for centred strikes.... I would expect soem driver designs to have big performance differences on off-centred strikes....but if they all have similar COR ( pushed up to legal limit) and impact is over th COG on face...the real "sweet dot"...can face design really have this much effect..maybe 10-15 yards in performance!

I think i missed this post while the thread was going on, if that other forum you are talking about is one that promotes nothing more than what they have in stock currnetly along with matrix shafts, i honestly wouldn't trust the results.

That's just me. The thing is, is that if you have identical lofts on the face with identical .cor and ct measurements with the same ball, the ball speed will be just about exactly the same.
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