I don't
In fact I don't understand much of it at all. I can't find many examples of good golfers who move their head 8" backwards in the takeaway, who 'stack' themselves over the right leg, who turn their shoulders flat (which necessitates an inconsistent lifting motion with the arms doesn't it?) or who play the ball off their front foot apart from with a driver.
The above pic is the best male golfer I teach and the best female golfer I teach.
They do EVERYTHING you say NOT to do.
BTW, they both play iron shots forward of "Rugby."
....if you combine this with a weightshift to the right foot then you've just made it practically impossible to get back consistently to a solid impact position.
According to who?
The two most important things, in relation to where the "club strikes the ground" is PLANE LINE relative to stance line, and HAND LOCATION just pre-impact.
That's according to me and a whole bunch of scientists.
I'm trying not to be destructive here
Sure you are.
Its ok, my brother. Lots of folks believe just as you do.
Embrace you beliefs!
I just don't get it as it seems to incorporate all the 'bad moves' that we've seen for the past 20years (the ones that caused a generation of slicers).
I was fixing slicers in 1983, and I cured the slice forever in about 1999.
Haven't had one since.
I did read a thread you posted Brian where you say something along the lines of you advocate certain moves within the stack&tilt method and yet I can't see which one(s) they might be? and I'd be very interested to know your opinion whether the whole 'Sean Foley phenonemon' will change the way people teach/learn to play golf?
Well, for some folks, a steep shoulder turn works wonders. For others, it is poison.
For some golfers, a flat backswing is great, for David and Lindsay above, horrible.
I like lots of hip turn and a straightening right leg for THOSE WHO NEED IT. I teach lots of folks that doing it would kill their games dead.
Sean is a good young teacher, wants to keep learning, and is doing a good job with Tiger.
But, when Tiger played better than anyone ever had—ie The Tiger Slam—hardly anyone copied it in "teacher land."
That's ok, white belts were in style before, and then they went out of style, and now they are back in style.
Just hang on to yours if they go back out of style.