spktho my man, I went to driving range today and tried what u suggested with driver, camera dont lie, I cannot do it, so after a about 40 balls I said to my self, self we need our hand more down and not out, of all the thing I tried what else can we do, for some reason Freddy couples came to mind, dont ask me why amd I did a few swing how I picture his swing in my mind, not how he does it but how I picture it in my mind. I know for sure he swings with an across the line swing and I concentraded on that. I did a few rehearsal swings teed up a ball and bam hit a nice straigh ball kinda long too, dude I havent seen my driver ball go so well in a long long time. The swing felt slow, smooth and the clubhead came from the inside I think I have it on video if not will head back out and video some swing. This across the line bs seem so easy going back and so smooth and powefull coming into the ball, I did hits some bad shots but not as bad as I usually do with my regular driver swing. thanks for ur help.