Good grief this game!!!

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You start working under the sweetspot about halfway down to the ball. You don't have enough pivot on the backswing and it's getting your left arm trapped against your chest on the way down. You work under it in an effort to square up the club because otherwise you would smother it left.

I think I have the diagnosis right, and I have the backswing fix in my mind (some combo of step on the right foot and more SD backswing), but I'm not sure about the downswing. Curious to hear from BManz, Kevin, Jim, etc. on this one.
Ya, give Jim a call. And the backswing needs some improving. But, I noticed that when the club is last parallel to the ground on the down swing, your hands are getting away from the body. May need to get them working more toward the body.
NHA not working for ya. IMO you need more soft draw hand path and more turn in backswing and not so much Sabatini arm lift to finish your swing. Posture is not helping either. Arm swing is not matching the pattern for're too slow IMO.
You start working under the sweetspot about halfway down to the ball. You don't have enough pivot on the backswing and it's getting your left arm trapped against your chest on the way down. You work under it in an effort to square up the club because otherwise you would smother it left.

I think I have the diagnosis right, and I have the backswing fix in my mind (some combo of step on the right foot and more SD backswing), but I'm not sure about the downswing. Curious to hear from BManz, Kevin, Jim, etc. on this one.

Yep..good job.
I talked with Jim earlier today. I tried a few things but I just can't get over this. My swing has never been like this.
You're way up on your right toe at impact which allows you to slide forward and targetward through impact.

Get some more sit-down in your address posture, and keep that right foot more grounded through impact.
After some further thought, I'd say that your effort to tumble the club up to now has been totally in vain because of where your backswing is putting you. You need much more SD-like backswing (especially with more hip turn and a softer left wrist) so that you can effectively tumble in the downswing.

If you aren't closed to the target enough to start the downswing (which you're not), you have nowhere to tumble the club to! Your pivot gets in the way.
Check out the hip action of the recent face-on of Vicky Hurst.

She clears her right hip nicely on the backswing.

Then, while keeping the right hip back, she returns the left hip back to the wall, and THEN the hips rotate on the downswing.

Since you are rather stiff-kneed at address without much butt anchor, your first move down is to throw your right hip toward the ball (a little goat humping) which throws your arms too close to the ball, thus causing the shanks.

You need more "sit" at address (knee flex, butt a little more out), and then sit again starting down.

IMO, your arms have "no chance" in the downswing because they are being thrown too close to the ball due to improper hip/leg action.
OMG please tell me I don't look like this guy! I needed a good laugh.

Fix that backswing!

I think holeout and vj are right. Get the hands much deeper in the backswing. Doing so will also pull your pivot deeper. Just work on getting those hands IN, IN, IN, and the downswing will be much easier.
Yeah, I see some too. You could use more in in the backswing.

I see the root cause of the shanks as a lack of anchor at address and impact, thus the 100 lbs of force that mandrin estimates through impact, is pulling you into the ball.
Ok, last video from today, face on. This one was almost too embarrassing to post. I'm doing so many crazy things that now I have a fliparoo. Whoever mentioned my hips might be correct as well. When I get to horizontal on my downswing my hips and body are done moving until after contact. That just doesn't seem/look right.


Jim Kobylinski

Super Moderator
now that i see video, stand a bit further away and bend more from the waist. You are just working under the sweet spot in the downswing. trying to "fit it in"


New member
Here's the other but not past parallel. Same result however.


From what i can see in this video your reverse tumbling. The clubface/head is opening more on the way down and the clubface is simply wide open with the hosel exposed more to the ball than the rest of the face. Your under it because there's no force to push the shaft over to tumble.
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Kevin Shields

Super Moderator
Curtis, backswing is killing you. Over the ball alot, little movement fron the body, pop out, hands above the TSP, semi floppy wrists. This is all going to lead to a back up/fit in move on the downswing (which often you dont have room and almost always lag under the face).
Curtis, backswing is killing you. Over the ball alot, little movement fron the body, pop out, hands above the TSP, semi floppy wrists. This is all going to lead to a back up/fit in move on the downswing (which often you dont have room and almost always lag under the face).

So are you thinking more of a SD backswing as well? Thanks Kevin
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