gravity golf - as mentioned by brian

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Just curious..I've been absorbing all the information here in this excellent site for the past couple of months and i have improved my ball striking just concentrating on lagging clubhead and TSP..Plus all the other grains of knowledge

I would never have asked this but brian mentioned a method by david lee called gravity golf in one of his videos..Here's my question..What are the main theories of Gravity i suppose to just let gravity take care of hitting the ball?? has anybody used this method..I hope this question doesn't break any rules in this forum..if it does please delete asap.:D
Interesting book and teacher

I have his book and went to a PGA Seminar where he spoke. Biggest float loader in the biz. He preaches a "counter fall" that I really don't understand??Interesting drills! A lot of hopping around to find "your envelope." He can talk it and walk it (good striker), but I can't see Mrs Haversham hopping around on the range!

You can probably pick up the book on Amazon.



Just curious..I've been absorbing all the information here in this excellent site for the past couple of months and i have improved my ball striking just concentrating on lagging clubhead and TSP..Plus all the other grains of knowledge

I would never have asked this but brian mentioned a method by david lee called gravity golf in one of his videos..Here's my question..What are the main theories of Gravity i suppose to just let gravity take care of hitting the ball?? has anybody used this method..I hope this question doesn't break any rules in this forum..if it does please delete asap.:D
"Gravity" facilitates "throwaway", which, with enough skills and practice, can serve you well enough.
The Gravity system promotes float loading (think Nicklaus) with rotational hip action. The best drills are performed standing on the left foot only right foot in the air. You can actually trike the ball with good precision since the head is stationary and there is no possibility of a sway back or forward (unless you want to fall on your face) - strictly rotation.
Well, you can use "gravity golf" with an early set golf swing so that isn't exclusively true.

I take it to mean just letting the hands and arms passively drop from the top until the hitting zone at which time you turn on the lower body rotation so those passive gravity dropping arms/hands get activated big time.

But, you can also use it with hitting models.

It would help some golfers who suffer from clubhead throwaway/hitting from the top.
Well, you can use "gravity golf" with an early set golf swing so that isn't exclusively true.

I take it to mean just letting the hands and arms passively drop from the top until the hitting zone at which time you turn on the lower body rotation so those passive gravity dropping arms/hands get activated big time.

But, you can also use it with hitting models.

It would help some golfers who suffer from clubhead throwaway/hitting from the top.

But David....with an early set golf swing maybe you can load it MORE....if you also use float loading.....


Good rest of post BTW. Bigtime throwaway INHIBITOR.
Is the 'counterfall' from gravity golf ? How does that work anyways ?

The counterfall as I understand it is basically the little hip slide at the begining of the downswing that brian teaches in the perfect pivot articles. Gravity golf essentially teaches a pure swinging procedure, just using different lingo. Most of my understanding of gravity golf comes from Geogre Hibbard's book perfect impact.
Essentially it is a late cocking of the wrists. You throw the club up into the air and it cocks more on the downswing. The counterfall as I recall is where the fron hip falls backward. He has drills of swinging with one leg off the ground and it is very good in working on getting rid of the hitting impulse. You can pick the books and video up on Ebay.


Is the 'counterfall' from gravity golf ? How does that work anyways ?

I'll take a stab at this...

I listened to David Lee give a seminar in Gainesville, FL a year or so ago. He's good friends with Pete Dunham, who now teaches in South Carolina. Anyway, I believe the counterfall (in Gravity Golf terms) is sort of a shift toward the heels as your arms are swinging around your body. David likens your arms to a bunch of 30 lbs weights swinging around your torso and you need a 'counterfall' which adds balance.

That's a very loose and vague definition, and a more concise answer is found in his book.
Strive to make the clubhead work AGAINST gravity. The ultimate paradox is to swing, making the clubhead to feel a lighter weight than the gravity wants to make it, causing it to feel heavier. Work against gravity to obtain its help.

I think...
Homer named it float loading - you load the club set the #3 PP on the downswing. The counterfall is the weight going to the left heel to initate the down swing. Hips rotate left / club loads and swings into impact.

Homer noted that float loading is very efficient - just takes educated hands knowledge of hinge action/club face control to perfect it.

David has some good ideas but would be helped by studying TGM.
Not sure what happened to my second post, but anyway Mark Evershed teaches a gravity drop per my description using an early set. I'm not saying this is = DL's "Gravity Golf", but is certainly does employ a gravity drop (a real passivity of hands/arms to the extent they just drop from the top. Mark think's it's a superior swing method, but I don't. It will work, however, as he can demonstrate.

Note: an early set could be "loaded more" in the beginning of the downswing using float loading, but in general float loading works best with a late set. This all depends on several factors such as the degree of the original wrist cock but that gets off topic so I won't go there.
I have both sets of tapes/books - Mark and David are worlds apart.
Mark learned from Tomasello-TGM - David from watching Nicklaus.
I have both sets of tapes/books - Mark and David are worlds apart.
Mark learned from Tomasello-TGM - David from watching Nicklaus.

The main difference is how and when the club is set. Both are using a gravity drop. Actually, I feel more of a real drop using Mark's method (I'll call it that for discussion purposes although he's not the only one who figured that technique could work).

I have some Tomasello tapes and he never mentioned early set or a gravity drop; not saying he didn't cover those subjects elsewhere...
I have both sets of tapes/books - Mark and David are worlds apart.
Mark learned from Tomasello-TGM - David from watching Nicklaus.

The main difference is how the wrists are set and how the gravity drop occurs.

Both are using a gravity drop from the top.. Actually, I feel more of a real drop using Mark's method (I'll call it that for discussion purposes although he's not the only one who figured that technique could work!).


Thanks for the good descriptions of the counterfall. I rewatched Episode 5 last night and Brian mentions the counterfall at the end of the video. He lifts his left foot then lets it fall down and makes his downswing.
Evershed calls what he teaches a "vertical" drop. When watching the Tomasello vids he uses the same procedure, and drops until his hands are about waist high, then uses his forearm slap.

Gotta say I played my best round of golf using the above procedure, but I find it too high maintenance.

Too many options......... sigh
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