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#1 thing that determines spin is face roughness, not grooves. You could build a sandpaper like finish on a no groove wedge and spin the hell out of it from a tight fairway lie. Grooves are there to move debris, water and help spin the ball because you can't get clean contact. There is actually a face roughness measurement that wedges must pass it's the reason why that one insert on the diamond wedge is illegal.

Thanks Jim.
It would have to roughness horizonally across the face though presumably. Wear tends to be vertical to the face.
You may be right Wulsy - although I've never given much thought as to whether roughness is that directional. (corduroy being the exception!)

But the point isn't whether the wear is horizontal or vertical - surely any worn chrome would end up rougher in every direction than brand new chrome. Or, when you mash a ball onto the face of a club at speed - do you encounter a difference order of friction than is visible or detectable to the touch? Could shiny chrome that is smooth to the touch actually turn out to be a high friction surface in the context of impact? Is it the smoother surface that actually provides the grip - on same principal as treadless racing slicks?
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