Just one thing to keep in mind.
Pro's who sweep release and the amateur sweep release is not always the same.Guys like Watson and Nicklaus still have some acummulator angle when the hands reach the right thigh.They only appear to sweep release when compared to maximum trigger delay guys like Garcia and Charles Howell III.
The handicap player that sweep releases have little to no acummulator angle by the time the hands reaches the right thigh.There is a point where a sweep release just becomes a cast.There are going to be a some players who can play very well doing this but they will be rare.
Yes, I agree. Looking at the film from yesterday I had about 135 degrees of left arm/shaft angle when my hands got to right thigh.
I'd be careful about taking too much from this JN quote. He has been subsequently quoted as explaining that by "release" he means both arms straight.
Yes, I certainly never took this quote as a license to throw it from the top. I dont ever try to cast it, but at the same time I dont try to hold the angle either. I just try to "swoosh" the club as loud as I can through the ball.
Be careful with an "impact hands" type of setup, especially if you feel like you cast it.
Big difference between the pivot stall sweep release versus the sweep release of a Tom Watson as others have stated.
Any time I messed with a forward press type setup, the first thing to move in the downswing and I really had to fight to get my pivot going.
That said...if it's working for you, go for it. Lots of ways to swing it.
I know I've read here before that many here are not fans of "impact hands". I tried it yesterday because for whatever reason I had been subconsciously returning my hands to their setup location at impact. I dont think it affected my swing too much, I was still making a soft draw backswing with the right elbow higher than the left at left arm parallel and was still slightly across the line at the top. I suspect that even though I was setting up with my hands in front of the clubhead, I was lagging it a bit early in the backswing.
Thanks for the replies, guys!